Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting
The Annual Parish Council Meeting was held on 16 May 2024 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.18 pm.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Retiring Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Hunt
Cllrs Mrs Brader & Fisher
Also Present: 1 Parishioner
1. Apologies
Cllr Fry (ELDC).
2. Election of Chairman
Nominations were invited for the position of Chairman. Mrs Ridger advised that she would be willing to continue in this role for the year and there being no other nominations
Cllr Mrs Brader PROPOSED that Cllr Mrs Ridger be elected Chairman
Cllr Fisher SECONDED a vote was taken and Cllr Mrs Ridger was elected Chairman.
Cllr Mrs Ridger in the Chair.
The Chairman thanked the Committee for electing her.
3. Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Mrs Hunt indicated that, she too would be willing to continue in the role of Vice-Chairman for the year and there being no other nominations
Cllr Mrs Brader PROPOSED that Cllr Mrs Hunt be elected Vice-Chairman
Cllr Mrs Ridger SECONDED a vote was taken and Cllr Mrs Hunt was elected Vice-Chairman.
4. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14 March 2024 were approved and signed.
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes – None.
6. Correspondence
ELDC-Electoral Update,LALC News (received via email), LCC-Traffic Closure, Clerks & Councils -all noted. Police Crime & LALC survey-Completed by Chairman.
The Chairman had arranged the road closure for the 101 Memorial in June, and would also organise a wreath. The Chairman and, if possible, the Vice-Chairman to attend on behalf of the Parish Council.
7. Finance
Annual Audit/Accounts, Yearly Reports. Reviews/Insurance Renewal, etc.
The Clerk presented the year end accounting statements prepared according to proper accounting practices. The Council noted all receipts/payments for the year ending 31st March 2024 and verified the bank reconciliation. The Council considered the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements for audit for the financial period 1 April 2023-31 March 2024 and dates for the period of public rights. The Council expressed their appreciation to the Internal Auditor, who had completed the audit.
It was
RESOLVED a) to approve the Annual Governance Statement (Minute 7a);
b) to approve the Accounting Statements for the period (Minute 7b);
c) dates for the Notice of Period of Exercise of Public Rights were agreed and to meet the Notice of Period of Exercise of Public Rights which commence 05/06/24 until 14/07/24, the appropriate documents were to be held by the Chairman for inspection;
d) Insurance and Risks Reviews were made; no changes were required. Insurance renewal from BHIB had increased by £300. The Clerk looked for further quotes, resulting in a quote from Zurich for £277 being agreed for payment;
e) Green Grass Contracting advised that they were unable to continue village grasscutting. Further quotes were being explored. A Contractor (C Gatton) quoted and been temporarily instructed to make a cut to bring cut to a reasonable level for future cutting. Item is ongoing;
f) Expenditure & Invoices for Payment
Sloane & Sons_Bench £499.00
Brit Gas-Lighting £ 45.13
HMRC-PAYE £ 20.80
B. Gas-Lighting £ 37.85
R Taylor-Accountant £100.00
HMRC-PAYE £ 10.20
Seeds-Tyres £ 13.98
Clerks Salary £406.32
Zurich-Insurance £277.00
The Precept of £4750.00 had been received and VAT Refund of £380.90.
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
8. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman advised that their meeting was due on 21 May 2024, a Clairvoyant Evening was being held on 24 May 2024 and Prize Bingo on 30 May 2024.
Speeding/Traffic Calming
The Vice-Chairman advised that the Speed Watch group had re-started. More members were required and advertising for more members would be carried out. It was noted that the Police had visited the village recently.
The Vice-Chairman reported that the Café had purchased their own defibulator, which would require an external locked box, which would need extra funding. The Clerk advised that it may be possible, via the ELDC Councillor Grant Scheme, to obtain funding from the District Council funding scheme and for them to contact Cllr Fry. The Cafe also queried whether to Parish Council could meet the cost of a set of pads for their unit at a cost of £120. The Café had been very supportive of the existing defibulator unit and it was
RESOLVED to make a grant of £120 to the Café, upon receipt of an invoice, to cover the cost of the pads.
9. Business
ELDC – Planning Applications
The Committee considered the following applications: (a) N/108/00419/24 Lusso Home-Park Homes, Land north of Magna Mile and (b) N/108/00679/24 M Donner Ltd-Red Brick Yard, Magna Mile. The Committee expressed their concern regarding how these works had been carried out, therefore, the Clerk was instructed to request that Cllr Fry ask ELDC to consider both applications at a full Planning Meeting. It was
Object to (a) N/108/00419/24-Park Homes on Land North of Magna Mile on the grounds of:
i) Visual Impact-the site has already gone from 5 units to 9 units to grant permission for additional garages, decking and summer houses would be over-development of the site;
ii) Privacy/overbearing-this site is on elevated ground. The decking would not be at ground level and would raise the height again, meaning that the site occupiers would overlook the gardens and properties themselves of the other long-standing neighbours. It will spoil their previously uninterrupted view of the AONB; (Conditions that were applied to prevent the overbearing appearance of this site, which is now more and more apparent. Hedgerows have been taken out and not replanted with native species. The formerly dense patch of shrub, hedgerow and trees has become a desert with bamboo instead of hawthorne/holly/blackthorne/hazel/maple and elder. Mature cherry/holly and holm oak trees removed. The skyline of the east end of the village has now been levelled and subsequent soil erosion due to wind breaks not present).
iii) Planning history-this group have already dis-regarded their previous planning permission and restrictions, which have been brought the District Councils attention by the Parish Council;
iv) Ecology-this site has already been affected by the removal of hedge/trees and is now “not in keeping” with the rest of the village which is a traditional rural working Wolds village in an AONB;
v) Ground Conditions-no consideration has been given to the drainage on this site, much of which is concrete. How will the run-off be dealt with due to the elevation of the site. There have already been issues with Anglian Water relating to drainage at location;
vi) Noise–there are currently 2 dogs on-site which regularly bark, the addition of decking areas, would provide a permanent outside space where the dogs could be kept would increase this problem, particularly as this small site has increased from 5 units to 9 units.
ELDC – Planning Applications Continued
Object to (b) N/10800679/24-M Donner Ltd-Red Brick Yard on the grounds of:
i) Visual Impact-the applicant was advised he could replace “like with like”. However, the building is considerably higher than the original and appears to be of an industrial scale;
ii) Privacy/overbearing-the conifer hedge (due to its height) is overbearing on neighbours, who have raised this matter and we have advised them to make their objections to the District Council;
iii) Daylight/sunlight-as in the point above, this is affected by the height of both the roof of the new building and the conifers;
iv) Ground conditions-the surface water was going into the main sewer, which is inappropriate and should go into a soakaway. The whole area is now hardcore;
v) Noise/smell-neighbours advise that the numbers of vehicles entering the site has increased causing noise disturbance.
Financial Assistance-None received.
Funding/Donation towards the Magna Messenger
The Committee considered making a contribution to the village newsletter and it was
RESOLVED to make a donation of £70.00 to the Magna Messenger.
HRH Bench
Cllr Fisher advised that the bench had arrived, he had unpacked it and it would require preservative prior to being installed. Cllr Mrs Brader advised that Mr Brader would be happy to assist Cllr Fisher with the installation. Cllr Fisher indicated that this would probably take placed around the end of June/mid-summer.
Village Entrance Gates
The Committee expressed their sympathy for the Guthrie family. They respected and appreciated that there would be some delay in the above matter.
10. Matters for Discussion
The Parish Council had reported the 30mph sign and would await action from LCC Highways.
11. Date of Next Meetings
Thursday 25 July 2024 at 7.30 pm. Meeting closed 9.15 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman
Date ....................