Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting (Village)

The Annual Parish Meeting (Village) was held on Tuesday 18 May 2024 at 7.00 pm at the Village Hall, Ludford.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
                   Retiring Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Hunt
                   Cllrs: Mrs Brader & Fisher
                   Also Present: 1 Parishioner
1. Apologies
Cllr Fry (ELDC).
2. Minutes of the Last Annual Village Meeting
    The Minutes of the last Annual Village Meeting held on were 18 May 2023 approved and signed.
3. Matters Arising from Minutes – None.
4. Chairman’s Report
The Chairman expressed her thanks to the Clerk for ensuring the Parish Council operated efficiency and the Clerk’s Husband, who maintained the Parish website. The Chairman also expressed her thanks to the Members of the Parish Council, for their attendance at Meetings and their willingness to volunteer for the various jobs they carried out on behalf of the Parish Council. Despite their small number, they were an effective group, working well together.
The Chairman advised that she liaised regularly with the Clerk and Councillors, both during and in-between Meetings, to cover Council business, including bills, queries, correspondence and any other issues that may arise. Much of this work was carried out via email, including planning issues, which are not always easy to clearly define using this method rather than the printed documents received previously. However, the Parish Council have followed up on several planning enforcement matters.
The Chairman reported that the white gates at the west end of the village had been cleaned and the tyre planters had had the planting area enlarged and would contain wild flowers this season. The east end gates were to be completed at a later date.
The Vice-Chairman and Cllr Mrs Brader were the village links for the defibulator, which had been used and new pads purchased following their usage. Thanks were expressed to The Viking Café for their continued support via donations. The Chairman attended the monthly Village Hall Meetings as the Parish Council’s representative, a good relationship is maintained and for a fixed fee we hold our Meetings at the Village Hall and any extra Meetings which may be required.
Following poor take-up of the Platinum Jubilee glasses, it had been decided to commemorate the King’s Coronation by purchasing a bench, which could be used by all Parishioners. This would be installed in due course, replacing one of the old benches on Magna Mile. Cllr Fisher will make a suitable plaque for the new bench.
Wreaths would continue to be laid to honour 101 Squadron in June and for Remembrance Sunday in November. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman attended the services and laid wreaths to honour those who lost their lives in the 1st and 2nd World Wars. The Chairman also applied to the County Council for parade permissions for the 101 reunion. The regulations have recently changed and 7 hours of training is now required prior to our application being accepted in future years.
The Parish Council continue to sponsor the Magna Messenger publication, which the Chairman contributes to, by giving a brief precis of Parish Council meetings, trying to pass on useful information, which is distributed by volunteers. A large portion of our budget covers the cost of grasscutting in designated areas around the village (this does
not cover all areas of the village). We also purchase a Christmas tree for the churchyard every year and recently had an armoured cable and waterproof sockets installed. The Parish Council fund the church lighting, whilst the Parochial Church Council attend to the grasscutting.
Whilst preparing my Chairman’s Report this year, I reflected upon the changing face of village life in Ludford and how we can move forward embracing this and also remain relevant to our community. Life is very full for everyone and villages like ours rely on volunteers, to check on neighbours, litter-picking, weeding, cutting the verge outside your property or joining the village speed watch team. Also attending events at the Village Hall, assisting in organising these events, or erecting the Christmas Tree.
We all bring different skills, experience and personalities to the Council, which is invaluable and I look forward to the next year.
Meeting closed at 7.15 pm.
Signed ............................. Chairman/Vice-Chairman
Date ........................