Minutes May 2021

The Annual Parish Council Meeting was held on 11 May 2021 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.20 pm.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
                      Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
         Cllrs: Brader, Donner, Holland, Mrs Stuart & Mrs Wetton.
         Also Present: Cllr Fry (ELDC)
1.         Apologies – None.
2.         Election of Chairman
The Committee enquired whether Cllr Mrs Ridger was happy to continue for another year, she indicated that she was, nominations were invited and
Cllr Mrs Wetton          PROPOSED that Cllr Mrs Ridger be elected ChairmanCllr Mrs Stuart           
SECONDED a vote was taken and Cllr Mrs Ridger was elected Chairman.
Cllr Mrs Ridger in the Chair.
The Chairman thanked the Committee for re-electing her.
4.         Election of Vice Chairman 
            Cllr Guthrie indicated that he was also, if the Committee wished, willing to continue for another year, nominations were invited and   
            Cllr Mrs Ridger           PROPOSED that Cllr Guthrie be elected Vice-Chairman
            Cllr Brader                  SECONDED a vote was taken and Cllr Guthrie was elected Vice-Chairman.
4.         Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9 March 2021 were approved and signed.
5.         Matters Arising
The Committee noted that in respect of Item 7. Business – Dog Fouling, that the notices near the garden centre and the windmill have improved things. It was also felt that a bin at Stocks Hill would also resolve dog fouling in this area. However, it was noted that any bin can now be used for dog waste, not just, as previously, dog waste bins. The Clerk will write to the dog warden requesting some stickers to put on the bins to advise of this, 3 are required.
6.         Correspondence
ELDC – Electoral Register, LALC  News (received via email), Clerk’s & Councils Direct Mag – all noted.
7.         Finance
Annual Audit/Accounts, Yearly Reports. Reviews/Insurance Renewal, etc.
The Clerk presented the year end accounting statements prepared according to proper accounting practices. The Council noted all receipts/payments for the year ending 31st March 2021 and verified the bank reconciliation. The Council considered the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements for audit for the financial period 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021 and dates for the period of public rights. The Council expressed their appreciation to the Internal Auditor, who had completed the audit.
It was
a)         to approve the Annual Governance Statement (Minute 7a)
b)         to approve the Accounting Statements for the period (Minute 7b);
c)         dates for the Notice of Period of Exercise of Public Rights were agreed and to meet the Notice of Period of Exercise of Public Rights which commence 14/06/21 until 23/07/21, the appropriate documents were to be held by the Chairman for inspection;
d)        Insurance and Risks Reviews were made; no changes were required. Insurance renewal from BHIB had increased by £5.69;
 e)        Expenditure & Invoices for Payment
Glasdon UK Ltd-Ent Gates     £1355.83
BHIB Ltd-Insurance                £  533.30
R Taylor-Accountant               £    60.00        
LPFA- Messenger Donation   £    70.00        
Clerks Salary                          £  358.28
The Precept of £4350.00 had been received. VAT Refund Claim had been submitted.
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
8.         Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman advised that the Village Hall Committee had not yet met, but the play equipment was now open for use.
Speeding/Traffic Calming –Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that she had advertised around the village for volunteers for the speed gun group. She had 13 volunteers. Cllrs Brader and Mrs Wetton had kindly agreed to sit on this group and a gentleman, who is a Military Policeman, who is willing to take on the responsibility for training on behalf of the village.  
9.         Business
Church Damaged Floodlight & Churchyard Tree requiring attention – Vice-Chairman reported that he was just waiting on the electrician in respect of the light. Clerk has contacted Diocese via email/on-line; advising of the tree issue and requesting permission to remove the tree. She further advised that Cllr Guthrie was our contact on this matter, which they should be aware of as he had contacted the Diocese Tree Warden himself on the same matter.
ELDC – Planning Applications – None received.
Financial Assistance
There were no requests for donations.
Funding/Donation towards the Magna Messenger
The Committee
RESOLVED  to donate the sum of £70 to assist with costs of producing the Magna Messenger, but asked that the instruction be made that the cheque should be encashed without delay and not allowed to expire as was the case with a previous cheque.
Drains, Pot-holes, Sewerage & Street Light Problems
Members noted that the normal drains had been sucked out, with the exception of the Chapel Lane drain, which was brimming to the top. There was also a drain between Mr Burley’s property and the garden centre which required attention. The drain cover is cracked on Magna Mile, at the junction with Playing Field Land and pot-holes have not been done - Clerk to email Cllr Marfleet (LCC). Members would also like to request bigger 30 mph signage and having road markings put back. Clerk to email Mr Sleaford (LCC) asking to meet on site, and bring these items up, along with confirming the siting of the Entrance Gates.
Mr Steve Ross, the ELDC Drainage Engineer had been to investigate the sewerage problem and has advised that there are not two difference size pipes. Anglian Water will be sending out a tanker jetter, which it is hoped will alleviate this problem.
No: 10 street light issue was still unresolved, despite email communications. Parishioners in this area had been consulted. The Committee could see no reason why it could not be re-installed in its original location, which is what should have happened following its removal and because the wiring, etc., is at this spot. It would be an unnecessary expense to put in a completely new unit, wiring, etc. Chairman to progress this matter and report to next meeting. The light at Gaylin is presumed resolved.
Defibrillator – Deferred to July Meeting.
Encroached Footpaths
Cllr Holland reported no progress on this item despite photographs being sent, he kindly offered to chase this item and report at next meeting.
The Chairman will order the appropriate size rope and Members will agree a date to meet and repair the flagpole.
Maintenance of village flower tyres
Following a brief discussion, it was agreed to leave this item, until the entrance gate had been installed, then consider if any further work was required.
Refurbishment of village sign and purchase of village entrance gate
Cllrs Donner and Mrs Stuart will work on this village sign together and the item is deferred until July. Mr Vic Sleaford is to meet Members on site to confirm the exact location for the installation of the entrance gate (which needs to be before the sign). Clerk to request date/time convenient to Mr Sleaford and inform the Chairman, Cllrs Donner and Mrs Stuart.
10.       Matters for Discussion
It was noted that the flowers for the 101 wreath laying  on 06/06/21 had been ordered, although the service itself had been cancelled this year. Cllr Mrs Stuart advised that the poppies on the memorial were looking tired and she volunteered to clean this. Cllr Holland thanked Cllr Mrs Stuart for her continued assistance and the Chairman thanked her for attending the training, which Cllr Mrs Stuart said she had found very informative, if rather full-on. Cllr Donner queried email communication and it was confirmed that this should be to all Members when it related to Council business.
11.       Date of Next Meeting
            Tuesday 13 July 2021 at 7.30 pm.            Meeting closed 8.35 pm.
            Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman        Date ....................