Draft - Annual Parish Meeting (Village)

The Annual Parish Meeting (Village) was held on Tuesday 11 May 2021 at 7.00 pm at the Village Hall, Ludford.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger  
               Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
               Cllrs: Brader, Donner (arrived at 7.10 pm-apologies given prior to meeting), Holland, Mrs Stuart & Mrs Wetton.
  Also Present: Cllr Fry (ELDC).
1.         Apologies – NONE.
2.         Minutes of the Last Annual Village Meeting
The Minutes of the last Annual Village Meeting held on were 12 May 2020 approved and signed.
3.         Matters Arising from Minutes – None.
4.         Parish Matters
The Chairman reported that the Parish Council Zoom Meetings had been most successful, all Members joining promptly, with good comments, and business carried out swiftly, despite being unused to this system of having Council debate. The Chairman thanked all Members for their dedication during these difficult months.
During the last year Cllr Mrs Stuart had been co-opted onto the Council, making a full compliment of Members, she had also attended an LALC run training course. The Chairman thanked Cllr Fry (ELDC) for his continued attendance at Meetings and for the support and assistance he gave to the Parish Council at all times.
The Parish Council still found it difficult to properly consider planning applications, without full paper copies. 79
             Meeting closed at 7.18 pm.
            Signed ............................. Chairman/Vice-Chairman  Date ........................