Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting - May 2022

The Annual Parish Council Meeting was held on 11 May 2022 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
                      Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
        Cllrs: Brader, Lewis, Mrs Stuart & Mrs Wetton.
        Also Present: Cllr Fry (ELDC)
1.         Apologies – None.
2.         Election of Chairman
Cllr Mrs Ridger had indicated that she was happy to continue for another year, if there were no other nominations. There being no other nominations
Cllr Mrs Wetton          PROPOSED that Cllr Mrs Ridger be elected Chairman
Cllr Lewis                   SECONDED a vote was taken and Cllr Mrs Ridger was elected Chairman.
Cllr Mrs Ridger in the Chair.
The Chairman thanked the Committee for re-electing her.
3.         Election of Vice Chairman 
            Cllr Guthrie confirmed that he was also, if the Committee wished, willing to continue for another year, there being no other nominations
            Cllr Mrs Wetton          PROPOSED that Cllr Guthrie be elected Vice-Chairman
            Cllr Mrs Stuart            SECONDED a vote was taken and Cllr Guthrie was elected Vice-Chairman.
4.         Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 29 March 2022 were approved and signed.
5.         Matters Arising
The Committee noted that Cllr Lewis had spoken with the motorcross group, who had apologised for any inconvenience caused and advised that no further unsocial activity would occur.
6.         Correspondence
ElanCity-Road Products, LALC  News (received via email), Hugo’s Marfleet Newsletter, Wolds Police Update, OctopusWind turbine enquiry from a parishioner – all noted.
7.         Finance
Annual Audit/Accounts, Yearly Reports. Reviews/Insurance Renewal, etc.
The Clerk presented the year end accounting statements prepared according to proper accounting practices. The Council noted all receipts/payments for the year ending 31st March 2022 and verified the bank reconciliation. The Council considered the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements for audit for the financial period 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022 and dates for the period of public rights. The Council expressed their appreciation to the Internal Auditor, who had completed the audit.
It was
RESOLVED  a)         to approve the Annual Governance Statement (Minute 7a);
                      b)         to approve the Accounting Statements for the period (Minute 7b);
                      c)         dates for the Notice of Period of Exercise of Public Rights were agreed and to meet the Notice of Period of Exercise of Public Rights which commence 14/06/22 until 22/07/22, the appropriate documents were to be held by the Chairman for inspection;
                      d)         Insurance and Risks Reviews were made; no changes were required. Insurance renewal from BHIB had increased by £56.12 (previously £533.30), Clerk to verify the reason for this increase, and include cover for the Defibulator on the policy, prior to making payment; 
                      e)        Expenditure & Invoices for Payment
  • M Donner Ltd-Ent Gates        £282.00
  • GreenGrass-grasscutting         £132.17
  • BHIB Ltd-Insurance                £589.42
  • R Taylor-Accountant               £  60.00
  • B Hunter-Floodlights              £398.89
  • EonNext-Floodlighting           £  81.84          
  • GreenGrass-grasscutting         £132.17
  • LPFA- Messenger Donation   £  70.00          
  • Clerks Salary                           £363.32
  • HMRC-PAYE                         £    1.20 
The Precept of £4550.00 had been received. VAT Refund Claim had been submitted. Due to an over-payment of £68.80, the PAYE of £1.20 would be deducted from this sum, thus no actual payment required on this occasion.
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
8.         Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman advised that this group had met and had funds to “Keep the Hall Functioning”. These funds would be used to purchase a dishwasher, new Men’s hand-drier and possibly a new cooker to maintain health and safety standards for the future. It was also hoping to obtain grant funding to replace the wooden play equipment, which was no longer suitable (See ROSPA report), to have the equipment professionally installed and they were investigating the possibility of having internet provision at the Hall.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that the Community Speed Watch was now in operation and was considering the possibility of working with Willingham Woods, which is an adjoining village to arrange a joint operation. Whilst there was Police presence at Willingham Woods recently, there had been none in Ludford. Members expressed their support for this initiative.
Cllr Mrs Wetton reported that between the opening for the garden centre and Old Barn Court, there was an area of concrete which if used to park vehicles, obstructed the view of vehicles trying to pull out onto the main road. OpenReach Operatives were using this to park their van off-road, when carrying out works in the area. The Clerk was instructed to write to OpenReach to ask them to refrain from this practice due to the dangerous situation their operatives were causing.
The Committee also noted that the wall to the Old Vicarage was in very poor condition and at serious risk of falling down onto the pavement. The Clerk was instructed to write to the owner requesting that action be taken.
9.         Business
Co-option of Councillor
The Committee had received an application from a Parishioner (Mrs Hunt) expressing their interest to be co-opted to the Parish Council. Mrs Hunt, was unable to attend the Meeting on this occasion, due to work commitments. Following discussion, it was
RESOLVED  to co-op onto Ludford Parish Council as a Councillor. Clerk to contact Cllr Mrs Hunt to advise of co-option and to supply documentation to be completed.
             ELDC – Planning Applications
The Committee noted Planning Decisions: N/108/00138/22 Little Galley Hill Farm-Alternations to existing dwelling; N/108/00147/22 Agricultural access, Magna Mill-Construction of an agricultural vehicular access; N/108/00265/22 Birchwood, Stocks Hill-Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling.
The Committee further noted that on following up an Enforcement Complaint relating to Planning Permission N/108/00050/22 Tyes Close, the case had been “closed in error”. The Parish Council had expressed their disbelief that this should have occurred without the Parish Council being advised. The District Council had now instructed an Enforcement Officer to visit the site. The Parish Council advised Cllr Fry of this matter and the continuous complaints they are receiving from Parishioners, due to the re-siting of the dog waste bin, which is now on the opposite side of the road, which has no physical footpath access. The Parish Council would like the bin to be returned to its original position without further delay.
The Committee considered (between Meetings) the amendment to Planning Application N/108/02276/21 The Old Workshop-Erection of a 2 storey house, and Planning Application N/108/00876/22 Rosewood, Magna Mile-Erection of a detached garage/craft room. It was
RESOLVED  i)         to object to Amendment to N/108/02276/21 The Old Workshop on the grounds of visual impact and noise. This Amendment has now been to the District Council Planning Committee and the Amendment was Refused;
       ii)         to support N/108/00876/22 Rosewood, Magna Mile. Awaiting Cllrs response on this from email circulated following meeting – please respond.
Financial Assistance
There being no requests for financial assistance, no action was required.
Funding/Donation towards the Magna Messenger
The Committee considered making a contribution to the village newsletter and it was
RESOLVED  to make a donation of £70.00 to the Magna Messenger.
Street Light No. 10
The Chairman reported that she had chased this item again and on this occasion had been assured the street light would be installed within the next 35 days.
Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that everything was completed, with just the electric to be connected. Another £75.00 in donations had been collected for the fund, which was to passed to the Clerk to bank.
The defibulator training event at the village hall had gone well and raised £65 on the day for the defibulator and an extra £10 donation was given to the hall for the use of electric, toilet facilities.,etc. The Chairman expressed her thoughts that the training had gone well, the event had been well attended and the event had been well presented.
Broken Fencing – Old Barn Court
The Clerk had written to Keir Group Lincolnshire with photographic evidence, but had not received a response to date.
The new rope to be fitted on 18 May 2022.
Floodlighting Works
Work completed - item to be removed from future Agendas.
Planters – Item to be deferred to next Meeting.
Queens Platinum Jubilee
The Chairman had this matter in hand and would like to hear from anyone who wished to purchase a memorial glass.
Village Entrance Gates
The Chairman reported that one set of gates are installed and the gates for the opposite end of the village were to be designed and organised by the Vice-Chairman and Cllr Brader, due to the verges being narrower at this location.
There was a brief discussion regarding the possibility of a Jubilee Bench, perhaps with a crown and plaque as a permanent memorial in the village.
10.       Matters for Discussion
Cllr Mrs Stuart advised that Cllr Lewis would be willing to provide some training on how to avoid being scammed on-line and also provide assistance in setting up home computer security for Parishioners, due to his professional expertise in this field. His wife was also willing to advise Parishioners on home safety in respect of carbon monoixide detectors, due to her fire service profession. Cllr Mrs Stuart to liaise with the Village Hall Committee with regard to date for this event and agree cost.
There will be a brief road closure for the 101 Memorial on 12 June 2022, service at 2.00 pm and fly-by between 3.00-3.30 pm.
11.       Date of Next Meeting
           Tuesday 12 July 2022 at 7.30 pm.            Meeting closed 9.50 pm.
           Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman        Date ....................