Minutes November 2023
The Parish Council Meeting was held on 3 November 2023 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Hunt
Cllrs Mrs Brader & Fisher
1. Apologies
Cllr Fry (ELDC).
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21 September 2023 were approved and signed.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes – None.
4. Correspondence
LALC News (received via email), Clerks & Councils Mag-all noted.
The Clerk advised that the NALC had finally agreed the new salary scales for Clerks and this would be discussed under Item 7. Accounts The Clerk advised that the NALC had finally agreed the new salary scales for Clerks and this would be discussed under Item 5 Finance.
5. Finance
The Committee noted the pay award for Clerk’s from the NALC and it was
RESOLVED to award the new salary award for SCP 21 backdated to 1 April 2023 as approved by the NALC.
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
Post Office-Stamps £18.50 PCS-Defib Pads £237.60
GreenGrass-grasscutting £158.59 Brit Legion-Wreaths £ 45.00
Clerks Sal+Backdated Pay £531.32
HMRC-PAYE payment of £41.20 due, but this is still covered by a sum held on account by HMRC.
It was noted that direct debits were paid to British Gas for Church Floodlighting Sept £51.17 & Oct. £54.31, but no invoices had been sent.
Income from ELDC Councillors Grant-Xmas Tree Cable £265.00.
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
6. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman reported the Christmas Arts & Craft Fair was on 02/12/23 and Clairvoyant Evening on 22/12/23. The hall is being used regularly with Line Dancing every Wednesday between 5.30-6.30 pm. A new bookings Secretary was being sought due to demand.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – The Vice-Chairman reported that there was still a lot of speeding despite new speed limits. She would investigate the cost of speed signs, believed to be between £3000-£6000. Flashing light signage was between £1500-£2000. It was noted that previously the Parish Council had rented the signage owned by Binbrook Parish Council. Cllr Fisher queried whether it was possible to purchase them second-hand.
Defibulator – The Vice-Chairman advised that the unit had been used and new pads had been fitted and the unit was fully functioning.
7. Business
ELDC – Planning
The Vice-Chairman (Mrs Hunt) declared a pecuniary interest, due to living
next to the site. The District Council had responded to concerns regarding breaches in relation to Planning Decision N/108/00433/23 at former The Bungalow (Tye), Magna Mile, the Committee noted their comments in respect of the bamboo and sheds, which should be of a non-combustible material on a development of this type.
The Committee noted that ELDC were assessing the issue relating to P Burley & Son and understood a response would be received in due course.
Budget, Precept/Projects for 2024/25
The Committee considered the draft documents for the new financial year 2024/25 prepared by the Clerk, there followed a full discussion to determine how to cover expenses. Following this, it was
RESOLVED i) to accept a quote from Green Grass Contracting who had made a very small increase of £1.60 per cut, an increase from £158.59;
ii) to increase the Precept by £150 to £4750;
iii) to finalize the budget in totality at the January Meeting.
New Armoured Lead for Christmas Tree, Arrangements for erection of Christmas tree & lights
Cllr Fisher had obtained quotes and would dig out for the cable to be laid. Cllr Fry had kindly offered to give grant funding of £260 for this project. Councillors agreed to erect the tree earlier (Cllr Fisher, with assistance from Mr Brader), then turn on lights in December, with a Carol Service on Christmas Eve. It was
RESOLVED to accept a quote from TWB Electrical to install armoured cable for the Christmas Tree Lights at a cost of £318.73 including VAT, which can be reclaimed.
HRH Bench
The Committee discussed types of bench, and the Chairman offered to progress the item.
Obscured 30mph Signage & Overgrown Footpaths/Hedges & Tarmac’d over Hydrants & Telephone Accesses
The obscured sign had been cleared. The sign before the memorial on left still required attention, the Chairman will check and may be assisted by Vice-Chairman. The hydrant had been cleared.
Planters, Disposal of Tyres, Village Entrance Gates
The tyres had been cut, bulbs planted. Entrance gate still in abeyance.
8. Matters for Discussion
The Chairman advised the 101 Memorial Parade will take place on 16 June 2024 and the Chairman will send in the application for the road closure, and book village hall for 2-3pm on that day. Membership to this organisation for the Parish Council is life-long and free of charge.
9. Date of Next Meetings
Thursday 18 January 2024 at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed 9.20 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................