Agenda - November 2023
Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Council will be held on
Thursday 16 November 2023 in the Village Hall and will start at 7.30 pm.
Members of the public are most cordially invited to attend and will have the opportunity to comment or ask questions during the Open Session preceding the Meeting.
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of Meetings
To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 September 2023.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. Correspondence
5. Finance
a. Expenditure to Date & Invoices for Payment
6. Reports
a. Village Hall Committee
b. Speeding/Traffic Calming/Reactive Speed Sign
c. Defibulator
7. Business
To consider any ELDC Planning Applications and make recommendations, as required
Budget, Precept Projects for 2024/25–To consider any items to be included in budget for the new financial year;
New armoured New Lead for Christmas Tree & Arrangements for Erection of Christmas Tree & Lights-Cllr Fisher & Clerk to report on first item, Members to agree details of second item;
HRH Bench-To discuss and progress this item;
Obsecured 30 mph signage-Reported to Highways.
Overgrown Footpaths & Tarmac’d over hydrants and Telephone holes-Clerk to report.
Planters, Disposal of Tyres & Village Entrance Gate-Members to report any progress.
8. Matters for Discussion
9. Date of Next Meeting