Minutes Annual Parish Meeting (Council) - May 2022

The Annual Parish Meeting (Village) was held on Tuesday 17 May 2022 at 7.00 pm at the Village Hall, Ludford.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger  
               Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
              Cllrs: Brader, Lewis, Mrs Stuart & Mrs Wetton.
 Also Present: Cllr Fry (ELDC).
1.         Apologies – None.
2.         Minutes of the Last Annual Village Meeting
The Minutes of the last Annual Village Meeting held on were 11 May 2021 approved and signed.
3.         Matters Arising from Minutes – None.
4.         Chairman’s Report
The Chairman reported that she hoped the Parish Council could remain relevant to the community in future years. The Chairman expressed her thanks to the Clerk and Clerk’s Husband, who maintained the IT provision for the Parish Council website. She thanked the new Parish Councillors, who had kindly joined the Parish Council at points both during and after covid, enabling the Parish Council to have a full Committee of 7 Members.  
The Chairman acknowledged that working over “zoom” during covid had been difficult, the willingness of Members to overcome the inconvenience of not being able to meet face-to-face was greatly appreciated. It was also acknowledged that the new Councillors would bring fresh ideas, improving how the Parish Council operates. The Village Community Page on Facebook had been well received, this is not monitored by the Parish Council, which has established methods of communication via contacting the Clerk or Chairman in person, by letter, telephone or email.
The Chairman felt the to return to public Meetings was beneficial because it gives an opportunity for all to ask questions, raise concerns and for the Parish Council to conduct business in a timely manner.
The Community Speed Scheme was passed over from Cllr Brader to Cllr Mrs Stuart, and has now been passed on to Cllr Lewis. The willing team of volunteers, are a valued sight on the side of the road, now that traffic volumes have returned to normal.
Cllr Mrs Stuart then used her energies to re-ignite the Defibulator initiative, which had began back in 2018 and raised £350, but had fallen onto the back burner over the last few years. Cllr Mrs Stuart asked for donations from all Parishioners and with great enthusiasm throughout the village, enough was raised to purchase a defibulator with heated cabinet. This, with permission from Fr Patrick has been erected on church land and the Parish Council will undertake future maintenance as far as the budget allows for replacement consumables.
White gates were erected at the east end entrance to the village, with plans for Cllrs Brader and Guthrie to design bespoke gates to be installed for the narrow west verge.
Wreaths were laid to honour the 101 Squadron in June 2021, although the actual reunion could not take place. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman had attended the Remembrance Sunday Service. The Chairman had applied for parades permission for 101 re-union on 12 June 2022.
The Parish Council continued to sponsor the Magna Messenger publication, erect and light the village Christmas Tree, pay for grasscutting in designated areas around the village and had replaced the outside light fittings to take LED bulbs in the churchyard.
The Chairman had also attended monthly village hall meeting and instigated Platinum Jubilee plans, with Cllrs Brader and Guthrie volunteering to organise the beacon and lighting. She had also brightened up the backboard to the noticeboard. The Parish Council had committed to gift all children 16 years and under, a commemorative glass in recognition of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
             Meeting closed at 7.25 pm.
            Signed ............................. Chairman/Vice-Chairman  Date ........................