Agenda - Annual Parish Council Meeting
The Annual Parish Council Meeting
1. Apologies
2. Election of Chairman
3. Election of Vice-Chairman
4. Minutes of Meetings
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2023.
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
6. Correspondence
7. Finance
a) Annual Audit & Accounts, Yearly Report/Reviews
To approve the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements for audit for the financial period 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023, including the dates for the Notice of Period of Exercise of Public Rights. To consider Accounts/Reviews including insurance/renewal, etc.
b) Expenditure & Invoices for Payment
c) Increase in grasscutting costs – The contractor has advised that they have, regretfully, had to increase their prices, due to not being able to use red diesel anymore.
8. Reports
a. Village Hall Committee
b. Speeding/Traffic Calming – to consider any important issues relating to any of these items.
9. Business
Co-option of Councillors – To note the resignation of Councillor Lewis and to seek to co-opt to fill the vacancies on the Parish Council following the election and the above resignation;
ELDC – Planning Applications – To consider any applications or decisions received;
Financial Assistance – To consider any requests for donations;
Funding/Donation towards the Magna Messenger – To consider contributing to the village newsletter;
Overgrown Footpaths/Hedges – To note that the Clerk has not made any progress regarding the hedge from the War Memorial to Church Lane, due to change of ownership;
Planters, Disposal of Tyres, Village Entrance Gates – To note progress made on these items by current and past members of the Parish Council.
10. Matters for Discussion
11. Date of Next Meeting