Minutes March Meeting


The Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 10 March 2020 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT:    Chairman - Cllr Mrs Ridger
                    Vice-Chairman - Cllr Guthrie
        Cllrs Brader, Donner, Holland & Mrs Wetton.
Also Present:   Cllr Fry (ELDC).
1.         Apologies – None.
2.         Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 January 2020 were approved and signed.
3.         Matters Arising
4.         Correspondence
ELDC-Register of Electors Update - noted and LCC-Website Training – Course to be attended by Mr Gay to maintain/support changes to Parish Website.
It was noted that a Parishioner (Mr Merrin) had been litter picking in the village and the Parish Council expressed their thanks to this person.
5.         Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval. It was noted that no increment to the Clerk’s Salary had been advised by NALC to date.
               How Safe-LRSP-Hi-vis wear £  47.52          
               Protect Signs-Signs     £185.00
               Laser Tech-Radar Gun            £286.80          
               Clerks Salary               £283.60
   Npower-Church Floodlighting£   7.57          
   HMRC-PAYE`            £    5.00
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
6.         Reports
Village Hall Committee –The Committee had the matter of the village play equipment in hand. They had put an item in the Magna Messenger to assess what events Parishioners would like to see at the hall. New Bookings Secretary (Mrs Holland) on Committee and still trying to resolve issue of glass bottle bins. There is a clairvoyant show, a flower arrangement and singing show, and vintage car rally planned.
Speeding/Traffic Calming/Reactive Speed Signage - Cllr Brader and Chairman had ordered the speed gun, hi-vis clothing and signage for use when the volunteers had been trained in the use of the speed gun. More volunteers were required to assist with the reactive speed signage and speed radar gun.
It was noted that the 30 mph signs were broken and required replacement and Cllr Brader volunteered to obtain more from the LRSP.
7.         Business
Co-option of Councillor
The Parish Council continued to advertise for a Councillor to be co-opted on to the Committee, as it is felt that a full complement of Members is the most democratic system.
            CPRE -BKVC
The Committee had received notification that there would not be a Best Kept Village Competition this year.
Cllr Donner declared an “Interest” due to his business undertaking work at this property and took no further part in this item.
The Committee considered Planning Application N/108/00296/20 The Fuchsias, Magna Mile and it was
                  RESOLVED  to support Planning Application N/108/00296/20 The Fuchsias, Magna Mile.
8.         Matters for Discussion
It was noted that the village sign had broken in the strong winds and consideration was given to how this might be repaired. Members also considered what type of entrance gate and the cost involved, as it was felt that it would define the start of the village. Consideration was also given to whether the name of the village and the speed limit should be on the gate. It was agreed that “Gates” should be an Agenda item for the May Meeting. It was noted that a small ELDC Councillor Grant might be possible to help towards the cost of this item.
Cllr Donner advised that the winter pansies had not flowered very well in the tyres. It was reported that the footpath (LCC) opposite Bain Rise was difficult to walk along it needed siding, also the footpath (Milligan-Manby’s) between Chapel and The Fuchias was being encroached by a bush.
It was noted that there had been no further news on the defibrillator fundraising.
It was noted that there was a broken mirror on the crossroads A631 between North Willingham and Ludford, Cllr Mrs Whetton kindly volunteered to report and progress this item.
Cllr Brader advised that a Parishioner (Mr Bowden) had kindly offered to plant tubs, supplying the bulbs for them, as a gift to the village and this was gratefully accepted and Members expressed their thanks for this kind offer.
The Chairman volunteered to organise the road closure for the 101 Service on 7 June 2020, Cllr Donner would provide communication systems, but more volunteers were required.
Date of Next Meeting
            Tuesday 12 May 2020 at 7.00 pm.          
            Meeting closed 8.50 pm.

           Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman        Date ....................