Agenda March 2020
Clerk: Mrs J L Gay
78 Monks Dyke Road
Lincs LN11 8DX
Tel: 01507 600383
26 February 2020
Dear Councillor
Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Council will be held on
Tuesday 10 March 2020 in the Village Hall, Ludford and will start at 7.30 pm
Members of the public are most cordially invited to attend and will have the opportunity to comment or ask questions during the Open Session preceding the Meeting.
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of Meetings
To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 January 2020.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. Correspondence
ELDC-Register of Electors Update
5. Finance
a. Expenditure to Date & Invoices for Payment
b. Clerk’s Salary – To note increment due in April
6. Reports
a. Village Hall Committee
b. Speeding/Traffic Calming/Reactive Speed Sign
7. Business
Co-option of Councillor – Following the sad loss of Cllr Easter, to consider any applications to fill this vacancy
CPRE -BKVC – To consider whether to enter the competition this year
To consider any ELDC – Planning Application N/108/00296/20 The Fuchsias, Magna Mile and make recommendations, and any others that arrive prior to the meeting.
8. Matters for Discussion
9. Date of Next Meeting