Minutes July 2021
The Parish Council Meeting was held on 27th July 2021 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
Cllrs: Brader, Holland, Mrs Stuart & Mrs Wetton.
Also Present: Cllr Fry (ELDC)
1. Apologies – None, however Cllr Brader could only attend for a short time.
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th May 2021 were approved and signe
3. Matters Arising – None.
4. Resignation of Councillor
The Council officially accepted, with regret, the resignation of Cllr. Donner. The Chairman will write to Cllr. Donner to thank him for the work he has carried out during his time as a Councillor, which has been very much appreciated. The Clerk will inform the District Council of the vacancy on the Parish Council.
5. Correspondence
ELDC – Electoral Register Updates and Town, Broadband Connectivity, Clerks and Council Magazine, LALC News (received via email), and Lincs Wolds Annual Review - all noted.
6. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the
Council’s approval.
Clerks Salary £ 358.28 101 Wreath £ 30.00
Greengrass £ 163.20
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
7. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman advised that the Village Hall has not yet set a meeting.
Speeding/Traffic Calming –Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that the group has completed training, having been out 2 or 3 times a week, sometimes as early as 6am. Local police officer Dave is happy with the results. One member of the group has taken on the responsibility of uploading the data to the relevant website. Two of the original group who were trained have dropped out. Observations are that 10% of vehicles are over the limit. 30% slow down when they are sited. A WhatsApp site has been started up and progress reported on this. The idea is to educate road users and a positive response has been noted from bikers. Cllr Mrs Stuart was thanked for progressing this project and for a job well done.
9. Business
ELDC – Planning Applications – N/108/01346/21, 11 Bain Rise, extension and alterations of existing dwelling to provide a garden room on the site of existing conservatory. The council supported this application.
Still awaiting the results of planning enforcement issues with Tyes Close.
EC/108/00244/21. The Parish Council will contact Libby Aitken (ELDC) for an update.
The Councils also noted that Lusso Homes Website: https://www.lussoparkhomes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/lusso-park-homes-ludford-3.jpg, was advertising this plot as being the first 5 of 9, although the approved plans are for just 5, plus the replacement of original bungalow. The Council have already objected to this application and have real concerns regarding flooding, due to ongoing issues with main drainage problems within the village, which Anglian Water think maybe partly due to surface water overloading the system. However, the District Council still keep approving plans saying the system is suitable. As residents, as well as Councillors, we know that it is not the case.
CSW – Purchase of Safety Jackets
The council was asked to purchase 3 additional CSW safety jackets in XXL size to be worn over cold weather gear at a cost of £46.50. The ones originally supplied are too small for most of volunteers. Cllr Stuart was informed she may claim paper and ink costs on receipt of an invoice for the ongoing admin work required for CSW. It was
RESOLVED to purchase 3 CSW safety jackets in XXL size at a cost of £46.50.
Church Damaged Floodlight & Churchyard Tree requiring attention
It was proposed to change the fittings and lights to LED to reduce costs in the long run. Vice-Chairman to organise an estimate for next meeting. Remedial work can be carried out on trees close to church awaiting permissions to remove any trees.
The Committee noted that more funding is required to be able to purchase a unit but is determined to progress this item. The Church is willing for a unit to be placed on the church wall close to electricity supply box.
Encroaching Footpaths
Cllr. Holland reported that some work had been done, but between Chapel and Fuchsias path and hedgerow needs cutting back. It was agreed to contact LCC and Milligan Manby for action. It was also noted that a map showing the relevant areas was required.
The Chairman will order a new flagpole rope. It was agreed that on a weekend towards the end of September, the pole would be lowered, and a new rope fitted. Three men would be required to carry out this procedure.
Maintenance of Village Flower Tyres
The Committee noted that the tyres are deteriorating, and the latest planting was eaten by rabbits, it was felt that the planting area is too small. It was decided not to replant but wait for the new gates to be erected and then to build raised brick planters or troughs in front of them.
Social Media
The village has a new Ludford Community Page on Facebook, and it is hoped that this can be a cohesive page with items from resident’s, village hall, etc., in one place. CSW have published details of their results on this platform. The Chairman declined to have PC minutes published on it as there is an official website and it is not appropriate, but it was agreed that a link to PC website would be acceptable. The Parish Council are required to openly publish minutes accounts, etc., on a local government official website that can be accessed by all.
Village Entrance Gate
Cllrs Guthrie, Brader and Stuart met with Vic Sleaford (Highways) to discuss positioning of gates on 20th May. The Council attempted to hold a zoom meeting to finalise position, it was eventually agreed via e-mail to position them both at the west end of the village under the 30 mph signs, and then make a smaller bespoke pair for the east end. Vic Sleaford (LCC) to be informed of decision. Ideally these to be in place no later than summer of 2022 to be one of our Jubilee projects.
Financial Assistance
There were no requests for donations.
Bain Rise Sewerage Problem
Mr Steve Ross, Drainage Engineer (ELDC), and Anglian Water have investigated the allegations advising that they feel there is no problem and hoped we would be happy with this response. The residents are most unhappy about this response, having put up with the mess and inconvenience for many years and request the PC follow this up further. Cllr Fry (ELDC) advised that the way forward is via our local MP Victoria Atkins because Anglian Water have done all that they are required to do, it is the system that is not fit for purpose. The Parish Council are very concerned that every time we have a planning application for yet more dwellings and highlight the problem, planning refers to AW who appear to override the Parish Council comments. Detailed letters have been sent to the Parish Council from two affected residents confirming when flooding of sewage occurred and stating that they could not use toilets when the flooding occurred.
No: 10 Street Light
The Committee noted an email from Sam Robbins which stated that the DNO, Northern Power Grid had been back in contact following our proposed agreed location of the streetlight and a copy of their proposals and quotation had been received on 23/06/21. The next step is for ELDC’s Street Lighting Contractor to install the new steel column which is likely to take 2-3 weeks from receipt of order from us. Following this, submit the DNO acceptance for the new connection works by NPG. This can take a further 4-6 weeks from order. As soon as we have everything in place, we should be able to finalise installation dates in due course.
10. Matters for Discussion
Cllr Guthrie laid a wreath at the 101 squadron memorial, no reunion was held this year.
It was noted that the bench seats were beginning to sag in the centre, and whilst these are still in generally good order, they would benefit from scraping/re-oiling and a support block being placed under the centre.
It was suggested that the Parish Council do something to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee. Ideas mooted were complete our projects such as gates, planters or a new village sign. Cllr Stuart suggested what a sign could be like, it was suggested designs could be invited from residents. In partnership with the Church and Village Hall have a village party, where fundraising for defibrillator/church heating/hall heating could be included.
11. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 14th September 2021 at 7.30 pm. Meeting closed 9.10 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................