Minutes January 2021

The Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 10 November 2020 at 7.30 pm, via zoom due to covid-19 lockdown restrictions.
PRESENT:    Chairman - Cllr Mrs Ridger
                      Vice-Chairman - Cllr Guthrie
        Cllrs Brader, Donner, Holland, Mrs Stuart & Mrs Wetton
                      Also Present:   Cllr Fry (ELDC).
1.         Apologies – None.
2.         Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 November 2020 were approved and signed.
3.         Matters Arising
The Committee noted that the District Council had agreed to name the new street on land previously owned by the Tye family, as Tye’s Close, which was supported by the Parish Council.
4.         Correspondence
Clerks & Councils, Lincs Wolds Facilities Guide & ElanCity Products-noted.
5.         Finance
            The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.                                        
   Eon next-Floodlighting           £ 39.76            Clerks Salary               £315.28 Christmas Tree          £ 50.00   
The Committee noted that Npower had now become Eon next.
6.         Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Council noted that this Committee had still not met, due to the covid-19 restrictions. The play equipment was not officially open, but the ROSPA inspection had been carried out, some equipment taken away and cleaned. Cllr Brader noted that the swing flooring area required attention and suggested a border with some chips. The Chairman advised that it was a matter for the Village Hall Committee to consider, she would forward the suggestion and the offer to assist with the project. Cllrs Brader, Donner, and Vice-Chairman are willing to assist. It was noted the work would need to be certified when completed.
The Chairman reported that the flagpole rope had become jammed and would require attention when restrictions were lifted.
Speeding/Traffic Calming/Reactive Speed Signage
It was noted that there was nothing to report on this item, but there was an interested parishioner who would be willing to take on the speed training from Cllr Brader, who due to work commitments is no longer able to organise this item. Cllr Fry (ELDC) advised that the Binbrook speed sign was inoperative and awaiting repair, so could not be loaned out presently.  
7.         Business
Budget, Precept Projects for 2021/22
The Committee considered the amended draft budget for 2021/22 and it was
                              RESOLVED    i)         not to enter the Best Kept Village Competition;
ii)         to accept Green Grass Contracting quote, requesting 7 cuts in the next financial year;
iii)        to agree Projects as per the amended draft (sum of £700 for further gate provision);
iv)        to increase the Precept by £200 to £4350 for the next financial year.
ELDC Planning – None
The Clerk had placed the funds of £330 in the Parish Council bank account for safe keeping. Cllr Donner previously suggested the Church wall area at the entry of Stocks Hill, this is still agreed to be the best location. Vice-Chairman will speak with the Church Council to ascertain if Diocese permission is required and report at the next meeting. It was noted that if Eon next wish to fit a smart meter, the Church agreed with this up-grade, if it is possible (phone signal strength permitting).
Maintenance of village flower tyres
The Committee noted the proposal put forward by Mrs Stuart and it was
             RESOLVED      i)         that the proposal for the purchase of plants and compost to be accepted using the budget sum set aside this financial year. The cost would be in the region of £70-80;
                         ii)         that Cllrs Mrs Stuart and Wetton progress this project.
Purchase of village entrance gate
The Committee noted that the County Council, were not willing to assist in funding of this item. Cllr Fry (ELDC) reiterated his offer of a grant of £500 towards the costs of this project, Members thanked him for his continued support. Cllr Donner and the Clerk to complete and submit the application form before the end of February.
8.         Matters for Discussion
Cllr Holland had taken photographs of the condition of footpaths. Bad potholes were noted on Coupland’s Court footpath and to road at Red Hill Lane. Inspection cover badly broken at the top of Playing Field Lane and there is a broken manhole with loose tarmac. Cllr Donner noted that the highway drains all blocked with hay. Cllr Mrs Stuart advised that due to a defunct streetlight, the area outside her property was very dark, also street light no. 10 is not working-Chairman will report these two matters.  
Cllr Brader advised that the Christmas tree in the corner of the graveyard needed chopping down. The Vice-Chairman advised that whilst the Diocese would allow pruning, etc., and there were no TPO’s on trees in this area; the felling of any tree would require permission from the Diocese. Vice-Chairman to speak to the Diocese on this matter and report back.
Members noted that the field that abuts Old Barn Court had large amounts of dog waste left by inconsiderate dog owners. This was a fineable offence and offenders should be reported to the Dog Warden. Cllr Fry kindly offered to provide details of the Dog Warden to the Council.
9.         Date of Next Meetings
            Tuesday 9 March 2021 at 7.30 pm.                            Meeting closed 8.31 pm.
            Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman        Date ....................