Agenda January 2021

Clerk: Mrs J L Gay
16 Ticklepenny Drive
Lincs  LN11 7BU
Tel: 01507 600383
24 December 2020
Dear Councillor
Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Council will be held on
Tuesday 12th January 2021, via Zoom due to covid-19 restrictions and will start at 7.30 pm.
If restrictions are cancelled and the meeting is held publicly, there will be a 15-minute Open Forum prior to the commencement of the Meeting
1.         Apologies
2.         Minutes of Meetings
            To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 November 2020.
3.         Matters Arising from the Minutes
4.         Correspondence
5.         Finance
            a.         Expenditure to Date & Invoices for Payment
6.         Reports
            a.         Village Hall Committee – Chairman to report
            b.         Speeding/Reactive Speed Sign/Traffic Calming – To note any updates.
7.         Business
             Projects for 2021/22, Budget & Precept-To consider and agree items for the new financial Year.
Planning Applications-To consider any ELDC Planning Applications and to note any decisions made
Defibulator - Vice-Chairman to update on whether Parochial Church Council would be willing to allow a defibulator to be fixed to church wall
Maintenance of village flower tyres  - Cllrs Mrs Wetton and Mrs Stuart to report on how they wish to progress this project
Purchase of Village Entrance Gate -To consider further actions the Parish Council can undertake to progress this matter
8.         Matters for Discussion                              
9.         Date of Next Meeting