Minutes November 2021
The Parish Council Meeting was held on 9th November 2021 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
Cllrs: Brader, Mrs Stuart & Wetton
Also Present: Mr Gordon Stanley
1. Apologies – Cllr Fry (ELDC) & Mr Lewis.
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th September 2021 were approved and signed, following an amendment to correct that Cllr Brader was Present at Meeting, therefore, no Apologies should have been recorded for him.
3. Matters Arising – None.
4. Correspondence
ELDC-Hugo’s Newsletter, LALC News, Local Listing-Heritage Building & Local Transplant Plan (received via email) - all noted.
5. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
Howsafe-Safety Equip £ 42.46 Playsafety-ROSPA £103.20
Clerks Salary £358.28 GreenGrass-grasscut £251.69
GreenGrass-grasscut £125.84 Post Office-Postage £7.92
GreenGrass-grass cut £251.69 Clerks Salary+Trolley £372.27
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
No update on audit from External Auditors.
6. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman advised that the next meeting would be on 23/11/21 and a Christmas Fair on 04/12/21. A Country & Western Evening and Clairvoyance Evening 09/12/21 were also being held.
It was noted that the Macmillan Coffee Morning had been a good social event and was very successful. This group had agreed to meet on a monthly basis forthwith for better functioning of the hall and its activities.
Speeding/Traffic Calming –Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that due to regular observations, traffic speed through the village had improved, although 110 vehicles had been logged speeding in the village. It was reported that some of the smaller villages along the A631 were going to join together with LCC to do their own Community Speed Watch, it was hoped that this would result in all groups being covered under the Police insurance.
Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that she had carried out this role for 6 months and that she would like to hand this onto another member of the CSW group. The Clerk advised that when initially set-up, it had been hoped to have a Cllr involved in the project for general overseeing and insurance purposes, this had originally been Cllr Brader. Following discussion, it was agreed that equipment would be stored at the village hall over the winter months. The Chairman advised that storage of the equipment was the Parish Councils’ responsibility. The Chairman reported that Cllr Brader had got equipment and Cllr Mrs Stuart had organised the groups of Parishioners required to operate this group and expressed thanks to both Councillors involved.
7. Business
Budget, Precept Projects for 2022/23
The Committee considered the draft budget produced by the Clerk. Discussion was held as to the possibility of the floodlighting at the Church being replaced with LED for cost effective reasons and whether the streetlight was linked to the floodlighting, and it was noted that the floodlighting was still not working. Cllr Brader reported that whilst the electric box was currently acceptable, it would need updating in due course. Cllrs Mrs Stuart and Wetton advised that they did not agree with the lighting being on during the summer months. In principle, it was agreed that a “cap” needed to be set on the amount of funds the Parish Council were willing to contribute to cover this item. It was
RESOLVED i) to set a limit (cap) of £300 for floodlighting costs and to put an Item for Floodlighting
on the January Agenda;
ii) to increase the precept by £200 to £4550;
iii) to purchase planters for the area near the gates and Cllr Mrs Stuart to organise
flowers for them, and for there to be an Agenda item for Planters near Gates for
the next Meeting;
iv) to purchase glasses (2 designs) to commemorate the Queens’ Platinum Jubilee
at a cost expected to be £300.
Co-option of Councillor
The Committee had received a resume from Mr Stuart Lewis, who due to work commitments was unable to attend the Meeting in person on this occasion. Following discussion, it was
RESOLVED to co-opt Mr Lewis onto Ludford Parish Council as a Councillor.
ELDC – Planning Applications & Decisions
Councillors advised that they feel the electronic plan process was discriminatory to any Councillor without email, and that it was also very difficult to discuss plans without having a paper copy at a meeting, Clerk to write to ELDC to advise of these matters. Application N/108/02276/21-The Old Workshop, Magna Mile-Erection of a house with attached double garage was considered and it was
RESOLVED to support the application, with the observation that the Design & Access Statement says it is for the storage of lorries, but there are already lorries on the site. Therefore, it is with the proviso that it is not used as a business.
Church Damaged Floodlight, Bain Rise Sewerage, Encroached Footpaths, Street Light No 10
The Committee noted discussed the floodlights during the Budget/Precept item.
Cllr Brader advised that residents were waiting to see what happens over the winter months in the Bain Rise area. It was agreed to remove the item from the Agenda for the time-being.
There was still an issue with footpath encroachment, particularly, from the garden centre to the old workshop, where the footpath had completely disappeared/washed away.
The Chairman advised that she would chase the outstanding issue of street light no. 10 and report at the January Meeting.
Cllr Mrs Stuart advised that there was a person who was trained in defibulating and was willing to train others. It was agreed to fund raise during the Platinum Jubilee year.
Village Entrance Gate
It had been previously agreed that the Vice-Chairman and Cllr Brader further this project after harvest. Mr Vic Sleaford (LCC) to be informed of positioning under the 30mph signs, it was queried whether there was a form to fill in, check with Cllr Marfleet (LCC).
Flagpole Rope
The Chairman will resolve this matter as soon as the weather improves.
Finalisation of Christmas Arrangements
The Vice-Chairman will organise the Christmas Tree, and the Christmas Lights need to be located and put up on 27 November at 9 am. Cllr Mrs Stuart volunteered to help.
Queens Platinum Jubilee
The Committee had agreed to purchase commemorative glasses earlier in the Meeting and had agreed duties at the last Meeting.
9. Matters for Discussion
It was noted that the wreath laying would take following the service on Sunday at 3 pm.
10. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 11th January 2022 at 7.30 pm. Meeting closed 9.20 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................