This Complaints Procedure deals with how Ludford Parish Council will proceed where a complaint has been made about the administration of the council or about its procedures.
Ludford Parish Council is committed to providing a quality service to residents of the Parish and to anyone who deals with the Parish Council. The Parish Council is determined to conduct its business in a fair transparent and equitable manner and where complaints arise the Council will attempt to resolve them by informal discussion.
In the event that this is unsuccessful a formal complaint may be made.
Formal Complaints
If a formal complaint is to be made the complainant should write to the clerk giving full details of the matter. The clerk will then formally record and date the complaint. An acknowledgement letter will normally be sent within ten working days.
The complaint will then be investigated by either the Chairman (or in his absence the Vice-Chairman) or if the complaint involves the conduct of the Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman, by a designated member of the Council. A report of the findings will be produced for the complainant and the Parish Council, this report to include any proposed remedy.
The report may be accepted, rejected or amended by the Parish Council which may decide to discuss the matter with the complainant directly at the time of the consideration of the report.
At all times the complaint shall be dealt with in confidence.
In the event that a complaint cannot be resolved through the internal complaints procedure the complainant should be advised in writing of their right to pursue the matter with The Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council.
Ludford Parish Council January 2022