Minutes September 2023
The Parish Council Meeting was held on 21 September 2023 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Hunt
Cllrs Mrs Brader & Fisher
1. Apologies
Cllr Fry (ELDC).
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 July 2023 were approved and signed.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
It was noted that item 9 Date of Next Meeting had been moved to 21 September 2023 to accommodate work commitments of Councillors.
4. Correspondence
ELDC-Electoral Update, LALC News (received via email), Clerks & Councils Mag-all noted. LIVES – donation request refused, Members felt that the Council supported various activities relating to local charities.
5. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
GreenGrass-grasscutting £317.18 LALC-Subscription £152.39
Clerks Salary £364.52 ROSPA-Inspection £111.00 GreenGrass-grasscutting £158.59
No HMRC-PAYE payment required on this occasion.
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
The Chairman would chase whether the 101 Squadron membership fee of £25.35 was required or whether due to an honorary membership payment was necessary and update at the next Meeting.
6. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman reported that the Bingo Night had been very enjoyable, another would be held on 26/10/23, a Sew-cial Evening is being held, Line Dancing event, a Christmas Arts & Craft Fair on 02/12/23 and Clairvoyant Evening on 22/12/23. The next Committee Meeting would be on 10 October 2023.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – The Vice-Chairman reported that the Speed Watch Group had curtailed activity due to holidays and for the winter period. 12% of vehicles continued to speed through the village and more volunteers were needed when this group resumed activities in March 2024. The Vice-Chairman volunteered to investigate the cost of installing flashing light signage, this was felt to be a successful deterrent in other villages.
Defibulator – The Vice-Chairman advised that the unit was in full working order and had not been used recently.
7. Business
ELDC – Planning
The Vice-Chairman (Mrs Hunt) declared a pecuniary interest, due to living next to the site. The Clerk to chase up the District Council regarding the contraventions (shed/garages & bamboo screening) in respect of Planning Decision N/108/00433/23 at former The Bungalow (Tye), Magna Mile.
The Committee continued to express their concern regarding the DHL Trailer at the top of the village, which was originally raised by Parishioners. The Clerk would check the restrictions of Planning Permission and report back at the next Meeting.
New Armoured Lead for Christmas Tree
The Committee agreed that they wished to continue the tradition of having a Christmas tree and the installation by an electrical contractor of an armoured lead was necessary. Cllr Fisher volunteered to obtain quotes and the Clerk volunteered to ascertain if any grant funding could be obtained for this project. Following discussion of what was required and the possible cost, it was
RESOLVED to allocate funds up to the value of £200 from the budget.
Obscured 30mph Signage & Overgrown Footpaths/Hedges & Tarmac’d over Hydrants & Telephone Accesses
The Committee noted that despite the Clerk’s emails to the relevant Council’s, these items had not been attended to and the Clerk would chase these items and inform Highways that the Kiln Hill sign post had been knocked down again.
The Committee noted that Savill’s had resolved the issue of the overgrown hedge between The Retired Wesleyan and The Fushias and their prompt action was appreciated.
The Clerk had not been able to progress the issue of ownership of the land behind the Barn, behind The Red House (towards the permissive road), which used to be owned by Hugh Bourn. The overgrowth is so excessive that it is forcing the fence down of properties on Salters Cottage and urgently requires cutting back. However, she would continue to investigate this matter.
Planters, Disposal of Tyres, Village Entrance Gates
Mr Brader had cut the tyres to enable better planting and the Vice-Chairman will obtain plants, etc., for the tyres. The Chairman volunteered to clean the white gate and the Committee awaited an update on the other entrance gates.
8. Matters for Discussion
Cllr Fisher queried whether it could be prudent for solar panels to be fitted to the village hall roof, which would provide an income stream for the Village Hall Committee.
9. Date of Next Meetings
Thursday 16 November 2023 at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed 9.00 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................