Minutes September 2022
The Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Thursday 29th September 2022 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm. A Meeting of the Parish Council was to have originally been held on the 20 September 2022, but had to be postponed due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
Cllrs: Brader & Cllr Mrs Hunt.
Also Present: Cllr Marfleet (arriving at 8.30 pm) & 1 Parishioner.
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllrs Lewis & Fry (ELDC).
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th July 2022 were approved and signed, with a note that the “Date of Next Meeting” date (13th September 2022) although correct at the time of the last Meeting, had to be postponed due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
3. Matters Arising-None.
4. Correspondence
Clerks & Councils-Mag, ELDC – Electoral Role Update, Clerks & Councils Mag, Rural Links & NALC Newsletter, Zurich Ins-Competitive Quote-noted.
5. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the
Council’s approval.
GreenGrass-grasscut £132.17 GreenGrass-grasscut £132.17
Clerks Salary £363.32 HMRC-PAYE £ 2.60
The Clerk had emailed GreenGrass Contracting regarding the possibility of cutting the grass towards the gates on the edge of the village. The cost for this additional work would be £10 + VAT per cut and it was
RESOLVED that GreenGrass Contracting be instructed to add this area to their grass cutting contract with immediate effect.
The sum of £53.96 & £33.40 had been collected for the Defibulator Fund.
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
6. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman reported that there was a Lincoln-shire Night on Friday evening and that she had missed the last meeting. There would also be a Christmas Fair and that more Committee members would be welcomed.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – Cllr Mrs Hunt reported that Cllr Lewis had been in contact with the Police and average speed cameras were being considered, due to the percentage of speeder. The Chairman advised that she could always put up more notices for volunteers.
7. Business
Planning Applications
The Committee noted Planning Permission of Application N/108/01114/22 The Barn, Thorpe Top, Thorpe le Vale. The Parish Council noted the acknowledgement of the breach of Planning Permission relating to Application N/108/00050/22/N, that the District Council would re-visit the site to see if the owner has rectified these matters, it would then consider whether taking further action in the form of enforcement action was expedient. The District Council had possession of the dog waste bin and awaiting instruction as to where to site this item. Cllr Mrs Hunt kindly agreed that it could be installed in an area on her property and she would provide a photograph for the District Council to indicate the exact location.
The Clerk had received an email in respect of windows to the Old Chapel, it was noted that the property is not a “Listed Building”, therefore, no planning permission needed to be applied for.
Attendance at Meetings/Meetings
The Clerk clarified briefly what the legal requirement was for attendance at Meetings, how they should be conducted, display of notices and other queries that had arisen or were likely to with the addition of any new members. The possibility of holding Meetings on a Thursday to be discussed at the November Meeting, due to not all Members being in attendance.
A Parishioner attended the Meeting to consider whether they may wish to put themselves forward as a Councillor. The Parish Council welcomed the interest of this Parishioner and any other Parishioner, who may be interested in fulling the vacancies on the Parish Council.
Broken Fencing – Old Barn Court
The Clerk continued to have difficulty in locating who was responsible for the communal areas at Old Barn Court. LCC advised that they were not responsible, nor were the company who took over the development. There was still an opinion that it was a member of the Bourn family, further enquiries will be made at the Industrial Estate and via the Land Registry.
Cllr Mrs Hunt reported that she continued to check the unit, and the Chairman advised that she had checked it too. Further donations from the Café as listed in Item 5 had been collected and the Clerk would pay them into the bank. Cllr Marfleet (LCC) arrived at the Meeting.
Lights – New Contract & Meters
The Chairman reported that the new electricity contact for the Church lights/defibulator had commenced and that she was taking regular readings.
The Vice-Chairman advised that the smart meter is in hand, but that work commitments currently made agreeing an appointment date difficult.
New Lights for Christmas Tree
New lights were required and following a brief discussion, it was
RESOLVED that a budget of £75 be allocated to this item and that the Chairman would source a set of soft cream/white lights.
Overgrown Hedges along Main Road & Dangerous Wall
The Clerk had made an online submission to the Diocese in respect of the land between The Chapel and The Fuchsias, but had not received any response to date. The Clerk had received a response from a family member in respect of the gate post and The Old Rectory wall, who advised that the matter was in hand, and it was further noted that some maintenance work had commenced.
Planters & Village Entrance Gate
The Committee deferred Entrance Gate to next meeting and agreed that Cllr Brader enquire whether a local tyre business would dispose of the old tyres at the entrances to the village. Cllr Mrs Hunt did offer to ask whether her Husband could make some planters, but it was noted that he has no spare wood and any wood for this purpose would need to be purchased.
Street Light No 10
The Chairman reported that the street light was up and working, the Clerk to thank the County Council for resolving this matter.
Village Maintenance-Path North side of main road (near dog bin) & White Boundary Markers around village green (Stocks Hill)
The Clerk to write regarding the footpath by Iona, Main Road, which has subsided, causing difficulty to disabled users and to Highways to advise that the white bollards needed replacing.
8. Matters for Discussion
The Committee noted that a Parishioner had reported that a public service bus is regularly reversing into Bain Rise to turn around, this causes the bus to mount the kerbs, which is a danger to parishioners-Clerk, following receipt of photographic evidence, to write requesting this practice ceases.
The Committee noted that the wreaths for Remembrance Sunday were on order and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman would attend on behalf of the Parish Council, along with any other Councillors who wished to attend.
The Clerk noted Agenda Items for the next Meeting, Presentation by Mr Scoffin (15 mins duration), Moving of Parish Council Meetings to a Thursday, 101 Membership, Purchase of new Flag, Disposal of Tyres.
9. Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 17 November 2022 at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed 9.25 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................