Draft Minutes September 2021
The Parish Council Meeting was held on 14th Sept 2021 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
Cllrs: Brader, Mrs Stuart
Also Present: Mr Gordon Stanley
1. Apologies – Cllrs Brader & Mrs Wetton, Cllr Fry (ELDC)
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 27th July 2021 were approved and signed.
3. Matters Arising – None.
4. Co-option of Councillor
No applications received, one interested party to be invited to send in a resume in the hope of filling the vacancy left by Mr Donner.
5. Correspondence
Poster for courses, Clerks and Council Magazine, LALC News (received via email) - all noted.
6. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
Clerks Salary £ 358.28 LPCC-Donation Toilet Open Church £ 20.00
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
7. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman advised that a delayed AGM had been held, bookings are beginning to come in and the hall would be hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning on the 26/09/21 as a first event. Date was set for the Christmas Fair 04/12/21, and discussion held on future events. The Hall to work in partnership with the PC with ideas for the Queens Platinum Jubilee. A beacon to be lit and hopefully a lunch party with potentially a commemorative gift as last given for the Royal Wedding. Essential maintenance was carried out at the hall during lockdown, but some items are still to be addressed. A review of rental prices to be made in light of increased staff, oil and electricity costs. It was agreed that the Chairman should continue as PC representative on the VH committee.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that the group has been out regularly Wed and Fri. Observations are that there is a general improvement in the speed of road users. The idea is to educate road users and a positive response has been noted from Parishioners. Cllr Mrs Stuart was again thanked for her continued work with this project.
9. Business
To note Full Planning Permission for N/108/01346/21, 11 Bain Rise-Extension & alterations to existing dwelling to provide a garden room on the site of the existing conservatory (to be demolished). No other planning matters.
Church Damaged Floodlight
Vice-Chairman awaiting electricians quote along with the church electricity check.
Drains, Potholes
All items reported have been completed.
Bain Rise Sewerage
Local residents have sent letters expressing their dissatisfaction with response from Anglian Water and are all contacting Victoria Atkins our MP. The PC to also support them with letter. Victoria Atkins Assistant had received a response from Anglian Water, which he forwarded to the PC for their information.
Street Light No 10
Chairman to follow up on progress for next meeting.
Clerk to try to locate funding sources.
Encroached Footpaths
Cllr Holland not in attendance. Map to prepare for next meeting marking relevant areas – Chairman
Queens Platinum Jubilee
The chairman has registered the village to light a Beacon on Thursday 5th June, Cllrs. Brader and Guthrie to take down and make any required repairs of the beacon basket. Fire risk assessment will be completed by Mr. Mark Ridger and Cllr Brader will take responsibility for lighting. V Hall to host the event and set up safe area. The chairman will continue to liaise and report.
Village Entrance Gate
Cllrs Guthrie, Brader asked to further this project during the quieter period after harvest. Mr Vic Sleaford (LCC) to be informed of positioning under the 30mph signs, it was queried whether there was a form to fill in, check with Cllr Marfleet (LCC).
The Chairman still to order a new flagpole rope.
10. Matters for Discussion
It was noted that the bench seats were beginning to sag in the centre, and whilst these are still in generally good order, they would benefit from scraping/re-oiling and a support block being placed under the centre.
101 Squadron reunion 12/06/22, this is the most likely date. Once confirmed Chair will arrange for road closure application.
There have been an increased number of near misses near Chapel Lane. The bend is blind, tractors and HGVs struggle to pass each other exacerbated by parked vehicles. We can only advise residents to park with caution. CSW are doing their best to slow all vehicles.
11. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 9th November 2021 at 7.30 pm. Meeting closed 9.04 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................