Draft - Minutes November 2020
The Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 10 November 2020 at 7.30 pm, via zoom due to covid-19 lockdown restrictions.
PRESENT: Chairman - Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman - Cllr Guthrie
Cllrs Brader, Donner, Holland & Mrs Wetton
Also Present: Cllr Fry (ELDC), Cllr Marfleet (LCC) & 1 Parishioner (Mrs Stuart).
1. Apologies – None.
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 September 2020 were approved and signed.
3. Matters Arising - None
4. Correspondence
Clerks & Councils & LALC Mag–noted. It was noted some Members had received a Watchtower booklet.
5. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
Green Grass-Cutting £122.18 Npower-Floodlighting-Credit £78.54
Clerks Salary £315.28 Green Grass-Cutting £122.18
Brit Legion-Wreaths £35.50 HMRC-PAYE £43.00
A receipt had been received from LPFA for the Parish Council donation to the Magna Messenger. All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
The Clerk advised that no update had been received regarding the audit conclusion.
6. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Council noted that this Committee had not met, due to the covid-19 restrictions.
Speeding/Traffic Calming/Reactive Speed Signage
Cllr Brader reported that he had personally been very busy since lockdown and suggested that due to this, he would prefer to hand the responsibility over to either another Councillor or to a retired person. Mrs Stuart advised that she would be willing to help with other persons. He further advised that with regard to the speed gun and mobile sign, Highways had said they would contact him after the first lockdown, but did not get back to him. He had also had a chat with a Parishioner who expressed interest in being involved. Cllr Marfleet asked the Parish Council to contact him when we were ready to move on with this item.
7. Business
Budget, Precept Projects for 2021/22
The Committee considered the draft budget for 2021/22. The Clerk had received a quote for grass cutting for the above period also for consideration.
It was
RESOLVED i) to not enter the Best Kept Village Competition, should one be held in the next financial year and to remove item from Budget/Precept document;
ii) to accept the quote from Green Grass Contracting and to request 7 cuts in the next financial year;
iii) to allocate under Projects a sum of £700 for further gate provision for the entrances to the village;
iv) to increase the Precept by £200 to £4350 for the next financial year. All items to be finalised at the January 2021 meeting.
Co-option of Councillor
The Chairman had received (and circulated) a letter from Mrs Stuart, who had kindly attended the meeting and gave a brief resume of her background. It was
RESOLVED that Mrs Stuart be co-opted onto the Parish Council as Parish Councillor. The Parish Council now had a full Committee.
The Chairman welcomed Mrs Stuart to the Committee.
ELDC Planning
The Committee noted Planning Permission: N/108/01568/20. The Clerk advised that she had not received any confirmation of the Street Naming: SN/20/0064 for The Bungalow, Magna Mile, where the Parish Council had advised that they preferred the street to be named either Butcher’s Yard or Tye’s Close to retain a local connection. It was noted that Mrs Tye had passed away.
The Chairman confirmed receipt of £330 which had been raised for this project, which the Clerk will in the Parish Council bank account for safe-keeping. The Chairman advised that it was possible to get a grant of £100, from a group called London Heart, but you had to have their specific defibulator. It was agreed that the most urgent matter was to find an appropriate location for this device. Cllr Mrs Stuart suggested asking Parishioners living on the main road whether they would agree to having one sited on their property and Cllr Brader suggested the Parishioners living in the Old Black Horse. Cllr Mrs Wetton advised that she would be willing to have on her property, although it would not be so central, should no alternative could be found. Cllr Donner suggested the Church wall and Cllr Guthrie is to ask whether this would be possible and report back to the Committee at the next Meeting.
Encroached Footpaths
Cllr Holland reported that following the email from Highways, he had gone and dug the area up that was encroaching the footpath. He had sent photographs advising the it was not as good as it could be, but went some way to resolving issue raised at the last Meeting. This was much appreciated by Members.
Purchase of village entrance gate
The Committee discussed this matter, Cllr Marfleet kindly updated on progress on the A631 improvement works and suggested writing to Highways for assistance in the provision of the gates. It was
RESOLVED to write to Mr Butler at Highways, outlining the benefits gates would bring, with details of the gates required, the cost (4 x L-shaped Code No: 183/0205 @ £564.93 each) and asking if these could be provided from the remaining funds for the A631 improvements, Cllrs Fry and Marfleet to be copied into letter – Clerk to write.
Maintenance of village flower tyres
The Committee were saddened that nothing had seemed to have happened with to this item. Cllrs Mrs Wetton and Mrs Stuart agreed to progress this project together, which was much appreciated by the Committee.
Finalisation of Christmas arrangements
Members agreed that the Christmas Tree would be arranged by Vice-Chairman, collected by Cllr Donner and put up at 3 pm on 28 November, lights to be switched on 1 December. Time to be confirmed to Chairman, carols round the tree and mince pies is Mrs Feit’s porch.
8. Matters for Discussion – None.
9. Date of Next Meetings
Tuesday 12 January 2021 at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed 8.56 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................