Draft - Minutes November 2025
The Parish Council Meeting was held on 14 November 2024 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Hunt
Cllrs Fisher
1. Apologies
Cllrs Mrs Brader & Fry (ELDC).
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 25 July 2024 and the Notes of the Meeting (due to being inquorate) on 12 September 2024 were approved and signed.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes – None.
4. Correspondence
ELDC-Electoral Update & LALC News (received via email), Lloyds-Account updates, Clerks & Council -all noted.
The Clerk reported that the letter from Lloyds stated that the Treasurers Account would become a Community Account. This would result in a monthly service fee of £4.25, plus charges for other services (electronic, cash and cheque payments). Members noted that not many banks no offered Parish Council accounts. It was
RESOLVED that the Clerk to investigate changing to a different bank offering no charges.
The Clerk advised that the NALC had finally agreed the new salary scales for Clerks, and this would be discussed under Item 5. Accounts.
5. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
RBL-Wreaths £ 40.00 Greystone-Grasscutting £528.00
Brit Gas-DD £ 40.52 Greystone-Grasscutting £264.00
Clerks Salary-Nov £ 416.52 Grant-Magna Messenger £ 70.00 Fillingham-Christmas Tree £ 90.00
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
The Committee noted the pay award for Clerk’s from the NALC and it was
RESOLVED to award the new salary award for SCP 21 backdated to 1 April 2024 as approved by the NALC, to be paid in January 2025.
The Chairman advised that the fixed rate for the floodlighting at the church was coming to an end. It was agreed that she should ascertain the best rate and change supplier if necessary.
The Clerk had obtained a quote for the repair of the Noticeboard, but the cost, which was not accidental, was over £200. Cllr Fisher kindly volunteered to make the repair at a more reasonable cost to assist the Parish Council.
8. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman reported that the Christmas Fair will be held on 30/11/24 and Paul Humpries on 06/12/24.
Speeding/Traffic Calming
The Vice-Chairman she was currently leading the Speed Calming team due to no other members wishing to take on this role. One new member had helped and there were 2 new members to train. The group had stopped activities for the winter, and she hoped that new members would be willing to take on the mantle of organising the group in the future. She advised that she would move bibs to where the equipment was being held by Ms Cox.
The Vice-Chairman reported that the unit had not been used recently and was in working order, and she would be organising a training session for interested parishioners shortly.
9. Business
ELDC – Planning Applications
The Committee noted the full Planning Permissions for: N/108/00419/24 Lusso,-Park Homes on Land (former Tye Bungalow) and N/108/00847/24 Sir R Sutton Ltd- -The Mill, Sledge Hill. The Committee awaited the decision on: two Planning Applications: N/108/01076/24 Mr & Mrs Sand- -The Old Workshop, Magna Mile.
Budget, Precept, Projects for 2025/26
The Committee noted and agreed in principle, that due to the increased costs of grasscutting, electricity, the cost to repair the noticeboard and the general increase in all running costs, there was no option than to increase the Precept by a considerable amount. Following discussion, it was
RESOLVED to allocate only £100 to Christmas Tree, not allocate any funding for the purchase of plants for the planters, or a further entrance gate. Clerk to amend draft Budget/Precept for January Meeting to assess the percentage for Band D parishioners.
The Clerk had been trying to obtain grasscutting quotes prior to the meeting, but had not received any responses, further enquiries would be made before the January Meeting.
Christmas Tree
Following discussion, it was agreed that the Chairman would ask Mr Brader to obtain a tree to a value of between £80-£100. The tree to be erected the first week in December, probably 1st December. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman volunteered the services of their respective Husbands to assist with the installation of the tree. The Chairman would check the lights were in working order.
HRH Bench
Cllr Fisher advised that he would attend to this item, when he had fixed the broken glass to the noticeboard. This was a priority now winter had arrived.
It had been hoped that those responsible would offer assistance. However, this had not been the case.
Overgrown Footpaths
The Committee continued to receive complaints from Parishioners regarding the obstructed footpaths, due mostly to overhanging hedges. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Agents (Savill’s) to ask that the hedge from the Retired Wesleyan to the Fuchsias be cut. Cllr Fish had obtained a quote for this work to be carried out by a contractor. The Clerk would advise Savill’s of the sum involved and ask that they resolve the issue. Cllr Fish to contact Sutton Estates - the area heading Binbrook crossroads, Chairman to contact Perkins, George Mawer & Co (Market Rasen) - hedge opposite Fernside Cottages, at Magna Mile, Ludford.
10. Matters for Discussion
The Committee noted that concerns had been raised regarding rodents in a particular area of the village.
11. Date of Next Meetings
Thursday 9 January 2025 at 7.30 pm. Meeting closed 9.30 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................