Draft - Minutes March 2021
The Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 9 March 2021 at 7.30 pm, via zoom due to covid-19 lockdown restrictions.
PRESENT: Chairman - Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman - Cllr Guthrie
Cllrs Brader, Donner, Holland, Mrs Stuart & Mrs Wetton
Also Present: Cllr Fry (ELDC).
1. Apologies – None.
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 January 2021 were approved and signed.
3. Matters Arising
The Committee thanked Cllr Fry (ELDC) for the Community Grant funding for the entrance gates.
4. Correspondence
Clerks & Councils - noted.
5. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the
Council’s approval.
HMRC-PAYE £86.00
Parkers-Plants for Tyres £74.89
Clerks Salary £315.28
LALC-Subscription £150.61
The above accounts were approved for payment.
The Committee noted the forecast end of year balance and that no Clerk’s salary increment had been published at the time of the meeting.
6. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Council noted that this Committee had still not met, due to the second lockdown and to meet covid-19 restrictions.
Speeding/Traffic Calming/Reactive Speed Signage
There had been no activity due to the lockdown. Cllrs Mrs Stuart and Mrs Wetton advised that they would be willing to take on the speed gun project from Cllr Brader and had 2 further volunteers for this project. Cllr Brader also had some further volunteers and he kindly offered to pass on the paperwork to the Councillors.
Cllr Brader to organise some new 30 mph signage for the village, due to worn condition of current signage on display.
7. Business
ELDC Planning
The Committee did have a query on the conditions of Planning Approval N/108/01167/20 Broadlands Farm. Cllr Fry (ELDC) explained the particular condition of interest. The Parish Council greatly appreciated this clarification.
The Vice-Chairman advised that the Church had kindly given permission for the defibulator to be sited on the corner of the Church wall. The cost of a defibulator is around £1,100 and further funding will need to be found. Chairman will speak to co-ordinator to establish the full details.
Drains, Sewerage Problems & Potholes
Cllrs Holland and Donner had sent photographs of the issues with drains/the inspection cover at the top of Playing Field Lane, the broken manhole with loose tarmac, and potholes (Coupland’s Court & Red Hill Lane) to LCC, but LCC do not seem to have taken any action. The Clerk was contacted by Cllr Brader regarding the issue on Bain Rise relating to overflowing drains and sewerage coming up into home-owners properties, she contacted Anglian Water who advised that in heavy rain the pumping station became over-loaded and there was nothing they could do, although they had rodded the drains following the latest flooding – Clerk to write to Anglian Water and Hugh Bourne Developers to ascertain if this matter can be resolved by both parties.
There had been no response from LCC regarding the non-working street-light outside No: 10 outside Cllr Mrs Stuart’s property. Holland reported that the hedge at the Wesleyan Chapel was growing outwards and requires properly trimming back – Clerk to write to Milligan-Manby to attend to this matter.
Dog Fouling
The Dog Warden had provided notices, which Councillors volunteered to put up around the village. The Magna Messenger had also printed an item on this subject and that appeared to have had some effect. Councillors will continue to monitor this item, which is a fineable offence.
Flagpole – Flagpole rope jammed, attention required when restrictions were lifted. Deferred to next meeting.
Tree requiring attention in Churchyard
The Vice-Chairman had spoken to the Diocese Tree Warden regarding the above matter, who advised that it was permitted to trim the ash and sycamore tree, but it would be necessary to apply in writing to the Diocese to request permission to take down the Norway spruce tree. It was agreed that this should be done due to its proximity to a beech tree and because it was planted without permission.
It was noted that the church floodlight was damaged and it was agreed to get this fixed as soon as possible – Vice-Chairman to resolve and report back.
Village Entrance Gates
The Committee discussed this matter fully, the cost of L-shaped and Single gates. Single gates being more reasonably priced. The Committee also extended its thanks to Cllr Fry for providing a Community Grant of £500. It was
RESOLVED to purchase 2 x Single gates, not L-shaped gates. Cllr Donner
to progress purchase without delay.
8. Matters for Discussion
The proposed date for the 101 Memorial was noted as the 18 July 2021 and the Chairman kindly volunteered to organise the road closure for this event.
The Chairman thanked Members for being so pro-active on all the council matters discussed, it was genuinely appreciated.
9. Date of Next Meetings
Tuesday 11 May 2021 at 7.00 pm - AGM. Meeting closed 8.50 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................