Minutes July 2024

The Parish Council Meeting was held on 25 July 2024 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
                      Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Hunt
                      Cllrs Mrs Brader & Fisher
         Also Present: Cllr Fry (ELDC).
1.         Apologies-None.
2.         Minutes of Meeting
Following an amendment to Item Present to include the word “retiring” in front of Chairman, the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 16 May 2024 were approved and signed.
3.         Matters Arising from the Minutes – None.
4.         Correspondence
ELDC-Electoral Update & Parcel Pick-up Points (Clerk to respond on behalf of the Parish Council), LALC  News (received via email), Lloyds-Account updates, Clerks & Councils -all noted.
The Chairman advised that she had filled in the on-line form  from LCC-Traffic Closure Training and had requested to attend the training course, she also invited fellow Councillors to attend. It was also noted that a County Council Officer had attended to assess how the Memorial Parade was managed. Members are hoping to hear from LCC Events Management shortly.
5.         Finance
             The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
              LALC-Subscription                £164.46         D Smith-Wreaths         £35.00
             Greystone-Grasscutting         £1032.00         Defib Store-Pads         £144.00          
             Clerks Salary(Tax refund)      £499.72        
             Income-Defib Don                  £20.00                                
             All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
             Brit Gas-Lighting-The Chairman will submit a reading very shortly.                       
8.         Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman reported that the old wooden equipment had been removed due to decay and the Village Hall Committee were looking into funding for replacement equipment, to add to the small amount they had saved. They were also updating their H&S policies and had a new Bar Manager. It was noted that a few repairs were required and that the Village Hall sign on the main road was completely obscured by from a property that was now empty. The Village Hall wanted it to be cut back and Cllr Fry advised that they should write to the District Council Enforcement Officer for an Enforcement Order to be raised. The Committee continued to run events including Bingo 29/08/24 and MacMillan Coffee Morning 19/10/24. The had held a Breakfast Club and the next VH Com Meeting was 10/09/24.
Speeding/Traffic Calming
The Vice-Chairman reported that the Speed Calming team had been out three times, had two new enthusiastic members, but that traffic continues to speed through the village.
The Vice-Chairman reported that there were now two defibulators in the village. One near the Church, which the vice-Chairman checks regularly and the other at the Café. The Clerk had made payment to the Cafe for the purchase of defibulator pads for their unit, but they would appreciate assistance to raise funds to install the unit on a secure mounting. Cllr Fry (ELDC) indicated that he may be able to assist with the funding of this item through the Cllr Grant Scheme and he could provide the necessary forms for completion.
9.         Business
             ELDC – Planning Applications
The Committee noted the full Planning Permission for: N/108/00679/24
M Donner Ltd-Red Brick Yard, Magna Mile, but expressed their regret that the advice they had given had, yet again, been overlooked. The Committee had yet to be advised of the outcome of N/108/00419/24 Lusso,-Park Homes on Land (former Tye Bungalow) despite support from Cllr Fry regarding the concerns raised in respect of planning restrictions on this site.
The Committee considered two Planning Applications: N/108/01076/24 Mr & Mrs Sand-Change of Use & conversion of existing industrial building to provide 1 no. residential dwelling with the demolition of existing annexe-The Old Workshop, Magna Mile and N/108/00847/24 Sir R Sutton Ltd-Erection of house with construction of vehicular access & demolition of existing dwelling-The Mill, Sledge Hill. The Clerk apologised that she had omitted to make particular reference to the Yew trees, which Cllr Fisher was extremely concerned about. Cllr Fry recommended that the Tree Officer (ELDC) be contacted. Cllr Fisher was also concerned about the Mill and it was suggested English Heritage be contacted to get the Mill “Listed”. It was
              RESOLVED  i)         N/108/01076/24-The Old Workshop, Magna Mile to support on condition that once the residential building is erected, there is no parking permitted of any lorries, trailers (like the DHL large one currently on site) or any other commercial vehicles;
                                   ii)         N/108/00847/24- The Mill, Sledge Hill to support on condition that there are no changes to the Mill and that the mature trees with tree preservation orders are retained. To contact English Heritage regarding “Listed” status.
The new contractor had attended to the grass and it was now under control. However, concern was expressed that cutting should only take place twice a month during the cutting seasons and that only specific areas were to be cut. The Chairman would contact Mr Davison to see confirm the exact areas and to advise the contractor of the times and areas to be maintained. It was agreed to put this item on the September Agenda and to try to obtain further quotes for the new financial year. Agenda Item for September.
HRH Bench
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Cllr Fisher had not been able to progress this item. He hoped to be fully recovered shortly and get the bench installed. He further advised that the old bench was unlikely to be recycled and should be disposed of.
Christmas Tree
Following discussion, it was agreed that Mr Brader would obtain a tree on behalf of the Parish Council, of an appropriate height. The tree to be erected after the first week in December.
10.       Matters for Discussion
The Vice-Chairman advised that a Parishioner had kindly offered to clean-up and paint the village entrance sign and this was gratefully accepted.
The Vice-Chairman also reported that Anglian Water had had to attend a Parishioner’s property twice for a blockage, when they had never previously experienced any problems at their property. Anglian Water had advised that should it happen again, dye would be used to see where the blockage was occurring, taking a water sample to send to the Environment Agency. It was noted that it was also affecting an adjoining property.
Hedges continued to be a problem, forcing Parishioners into the road in some areas. One hedge was completely obscuring the sign for the Village Hall, the Parish Council was aware that one problem area had been reported. The Parish Council kindly requested that Parishioners remembered to maintain their hedges, particularly where they infringed footpaths, etc.
11.       Date of Next Meetings
Thursday 12 September 2024, 14 November & 9 January 2025 at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed 9.25 pm.
             Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman        Date ....................