Minutes January 2024

The Parish Council Meeting was held on 18 January2024 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
                      Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Hunt
  Cllrs Mrs Brader & Fisher
1.         Apologies
             Cllr Fry (ELDC).
2.         Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3 November 2023 were approved and signed.
3.         Matters Arising from the Minutes – None.
4.         Correspondence
LALC  News (received via email), Clerks & Councils Mag-all noted.
The Committee noted the letter from LCC advising of the change of speed limits and other changes on the A631 from Market Rasen to Louth. Cllr Fisher expressed concern that the restrictions did not go far enough through the village because the speed limit was not heeded by vehicles and thus affected the safety of Parishioners. Traffic will accelerate after passing the last camera, at roughly 12% higher than the 30 mph.
5.         Finance
             The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
              P Strawson-Xmas Tree            £100.00          
             TWB Elec.-Cable Fit                 £318.78          
             Brit Gas-Lighting                      £62.41          
             Clerks Salary                            £406.12          
            Income            Café-Defib                   £77.00           
                                    Ridger-Conv. Socket   £8.78
           All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
           The Chairman reported that a new smart meter had been fitted to the church outside lighting meter. It is hoped readings can now be made remotely and more accurate bills produced, this will be monitored.
6.         Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman reported that a meeting was due, but she was unable to attend on this occasion. There is a Bingo Night on 15/02/24 and Wellness Day on 16/03/24.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – The Vice-Chairman reported that no speed monitoring had been carried out, due to the extremely wet and windy weather.
Defibulator – The Vice-Chairman brought in cash from the café for the defibulator fund. It was believed to be £70.00, but when paid in at the bank totalled £77.00. The Committee expressed their sincere gratitude to the Café for their continued support.
7.         Business
              ELDC – Planning
              The Vice-Chairman (Mrs Hunt) declared a pecuniary interest, due to living next to the site. The Committee noted that Planning Decision N/108/00433/23 at former The Bungalow (Tye), Magna Mile, ELDC had instructed that the shed must be removed.
HRH Bench
The Committee discussed types of bench, and it was
RESOLVED  to purchase a 1500 cm Wooden Bench with union jack at a cost of £549.00 + VAT and that Cllr Fisher kindly agreed provide an appropriate plaque for the bench.
Budget, Precept/Projects for 2024/25
The Committee considered the revised draft documents for the new financial year 2024/25 prepared by the Clerk. Further discussion ensued regarding costs, and it was
RESOLVED   i)        to increase insurance to £600, Memorial Wreaths to £100 and Christmas Tree to £100, this increased the Expenditure to £5,965;
                                   ii)        to increase the Precept by £150 to £4,750
                                  iii)       to accept the quote from Green Grass Contracting resulting in an increase to £160.19 per cut.
New Armoured Lead for Christmas Tree
The Chairman expressed sincere thanks to Cllr Fisher for investigating, digging in and filling in the channel for the armoured cable and for putting up the tree with assistance of a Parishioner who lives opposite the old school.
Thanks, was also expressed to Mr Ridger who managed to fix the light wire, which snapped after the lights had been put on the tree. Further thanks to Cllr Fry for the grant funding received for this project.
Obscured 30mph Signage
No further obscured signage noted.
Village Entrance Gates
The tyres had been bulbs planted and the Vice-Chairman kindly agreed to source some wildflower seed packets to encourage bees, etc., and enhance the environment. Mr Guthrie has advised that he is aware this item is outstanding, and he will attend to it, in due course. The other gates would benefit from washing down and the Vice-Chairman volunteered to attend to this item.
8.         Matters for Discussion
It was noted that the church is holding services on the first Sunday of the month, but it is hoped that it will eventually be the first and third Sunday of each month.
Members and other Parishioners have noted that the village hall car park is being used after dark by non-parishioners. The matter has been reported to the Police.  It was also noted that there is a streetlight out on Bain Rise.
9.         Date of Next Meetings
Thursday 14 March 2024 at 7.30 pm.      
Meeting closed  9.10 pm.
            Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman        Date ....................