Draft - Annual Parish Meeting Minutes May 2020

The Annual Parish Meeting (Village) was held on Tuesday 12 May 2020 at 7.00 pm at the Village Hall, Ludford.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger  
                Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
  Cllrs: Brader, Donner, & Holland.
1.         Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Fry (ELDC).
2.         Minutes of the Last Annual Village Meeting
The Minutes of the last Annual Village Meeting held on were 14 May 2019 approved and signed.
3.         Matters Arising from Minutes – None.
4.         Parish Matters
The Chairman reported that the Parish Council continued to operate as best it could in the current restrictions due to Covid-19. Regrettably, despite filling the two vacancies that were left after the 2019 Elections, there is still a vacancy due to the sad and unexpected death of Mr Easter. The Parish Council were still keen to co-opt into this vacancy. The Chairman thanked Cllr Fry (ELDC) for his continued attendance at meetings, and also Cllr Marfleet (LCC), who had attended the March meeting.
There have been a number of planning applications for consideration this year. Some the Parish Council have been pleased to support, whilst on others we have listened to the comments and  concerns raised and returned  relevant planning objections. It is good to see some sadly neglected buildings being turned into homes. The Parish Council are a consultative body and usually have paper plans to look at, although currently consultation is online. This is more difficult to do on a small screen, and even harder if you only have a smart phone to do this with.
Behind the scenes work has included meetings with ELDC councillors, regular communications between Members, reading of all local and central government documentation associated with local council, along with review of any planning applications arriving between meetings. I make an online road closure application every year for the 101 squadron association parade and co-ordinate with the 101 Squadron Association. However, this will inevitably be cancelled this year, due to Covid-19.  Cllrs each take the lead on individual areas and progress these, bringing us all up to date by e-mail and at the regular meetings. This is as well as undertaking relevant training. Whilst Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils Councillor training sessions have been suspended for the present, moves are afoot to make some of the training packages available online for continued professional development.
The 101 Squadron Association reunion service was attended by myself and the Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie.  We have to make our own provision for the road closure, Cllrs Easter and Brader co-ordinated this. Communications were made far more reliable with the really useful loan of hand-held radios from Cllr Donner. The Village Hall is kindly storing our road closure signs and bollards. Sadly the 101 Squadron Association reunion will not take place this coming year however the council will still commemorate the day by laying a wreath.
In partnership with Binbrook Parish Council, we have access to a recording speed sign which we use twice a year, furthering our efforts towards speed calming along Magna Mile. We have successfully purchased a speed gun and PPE, and when a more normal environment returns training on the use of this equipment will be commenced.
On a financial note, our accounts are up to date with the internal audit completed, despite the Clerk recently moving home, she kept us up-to-date and our minutes and accounts are promptly published on our website. Insurance costs were re-fixed last year which means we were able to budget accurately for this. The hall rent remained the same and the grass cutting was very competitive. The 2019 Christmas Tree was kindly donated by our usual supplier, which was much appreciated, as new lights had to be purchased when the set we owned flashed on then failed.  Lights last about 3 years on our outside tree. Erecting and dressing the tree is another out of hours job the Councillors undertook.
“Green Grass” are contracted to cut the grass on the playing field and some verges around the village, but we are also grateful to those of you who maintain other areas. It would be impossible within the PC budget for us to increase the areas we currently cut or to increase the number of cuts.
Volunteers have maintained the 101 memorial, seats, notice board, and Pump. I am aware the Stocks are in need of some TLC and this will be addressed in the coming months, along with the repair of the village sign at the east end of the village. Flowers will be continued to be planted in the tyres and we plan to progress the white entry gates into the village project. Unfortunately, the Bank Holiday litter pick initiative, has had to be put on hold until October.
I am aware that many parishioners are quietly working to make their own little part of our village beautiful and can be found maintaining grass and boarders beyond their boundaries, planting bulbs, litter picking. Volunteering is something you are great at and I value all of your kindnesses large and small. They make a difference.
Thank you to Martin for painting the pump and clearing the trough for flowers,  to Keith for little picking on your walk,  to Mark for repairing the Parish Notice Board and sign, to Sally for planting up the tyres and to all of you who quietly make a difference.
Meeting closed at 7.09 pm.



Signed ............................. Chairman/Vice-Chairman  Date ........................