Draft - Minutes March 2024
The Parish Council Meeting was held on 14 March 2024 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Hunt
Cllr Fisher
1. Apologies
Cllr Mrs Brader.
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18 January 2024 were approved and signed.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes – None.
4. Correspondence
LALC News (received via email), Clerks & Councils Mag & Solar Evocity-all noted.
The Committee considered where might be appropriate to have electric charge points installed in the village to meet the government directive and for the County Council to fund. Suggestions were café car park, public house car park.
5. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
RBL-Wreaths £47.50 HMRC-PAYE £49.55
Brit Gas-Lighting £213.57 Clerks Salary £406.12
Brit Gas-Lighting £53.11
A further payment to HMRC of £20.80 is due in April. All accounts were received and agreed for payment. Following brief discussion, it was
RESOLVED to arrange for an additional account at the bank to hold the defibulator funds in, for clarity purposes.
The Clerk queried the accuracy of the new meter, due to a number of credits, re-adjustments made by British Gas to the on-line account. Chairman had reading for 27/01/24. It was agreed to monitor electric usage for floodlighting.
6. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman reported that activities were continuing as usual, and a well-being event was being held on Saturday.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – The Vice-Chairman had written out to members of the Speedwatch group and all were willing to continue. She would also advertise for more members. Cllr Fisher advised that the tractors and trailers were still speeding through the village and that a speed camera was needed at the end of the village.
6. Reports Continued
Defibulator – The Vice-Chairman advised that the defib door had blown open, it had not been used, so it was re-secured.
The Committee noted that the Café Owner had purchased a second-hand defibulator, which he intended to site just outside the café. He felt that due to the number of incidents had happened at this end of the village, it was appropriate. The Vice-Chairman asked if the Committee would consider funding some of the cost of siting the defibulator outside the café and, in recognition of the fund-raising the café had provided towards the Parish Council’s defibulator, it was
RESOLVED to support a contribution towards the costs of installing the second-hand defibulator outside the café, as this would be beneficial to all Parishioners of Ludford.
7. Business
ELDC – Planning
The Vice-Chairman (Mrs Hunt) declared a pecuniary interest, due to living next to the site. The Committee noted that Planning Decision N/108/00433/23 at former The Bungalow (Tye), Magna Mile, ELDC had instructed that the shed must be removed. However, it remained in-situ, but had been painted. Clerk to contact the District Council to ascertain what progress they are making. It was also noted that despite a letter relating to EC/108/00432/23, no further action had been taken.
HRH Bench
The Chairman will action this item, as soon as the new financial year starts in April. Cllr Fisher kindly agreed to have the bench delivered to his property and to assemble the bench. Chairman to contact Cllr & Mrs Fisher, with the expected delivery date. Cllr Fisher to investigate how the old bench can be recycled.
Overgrown Footpath-None.
Village Entrance Gates
The Vice-Chairman had kindly scrubbed and cleaned the village entrance gates. She had also obtained the butterfly boxes and will send receipt to Clerk for reimbursement.
Village Hall Car Park
The Police had been made aware that the village hall car park was being used after dark by non-parishioners, an incident number is on their files. The Parish Council did not wish to deter general considerate use of this area, but noted that various forms of litter, some unpleasant, are also being left around the play area. Issue to be monitored.
8. Matters for Discussion-None.
9. Date of Next Meetings
Thursday 16 May 2024 at 7.00 pm.
Meeting closed 8.20 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................