Minutes March 2022

The Parish Council held a Public Meeting on Tuesday 29 March 2022 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.00 pm.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
                      Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
        Cllrs: Brader, Lewis, Mrs Stuart & Mrs Wetton
1.         Apologies
            Apologies were received from Cllr Fry (ELDC).
2.         Floodlighting Costs
There being no Parishioners present at the Public Meeting, therefore, no public opinion could be noted. It was agreed to discuss the item (Agenda item 7. Business - Floodlighting Costs) under the Parish Council Meeting immediately following the Public Meeting.
The Public Meeting was closed.


The Parish Council Meeting was held on Tuesday 29th March 2022 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
                      Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
        Cllrs: Brader, Lewis, Mrs Stuart & Mrs Wetton
1.         Apologies
            Apologies were received from Cllr Fry (ELDC).
2.         Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th January 2022 were approved and signed.
3.         Matters Arising – None.
4.         Correspondence
Clerks & Councils-Mag, ELDC – Electoral Role Update, NALC Newsletter & Broxap - all noted.
5.         Finance
             The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
LCC-Speed Signs                  £    50.00              LALC Subscription     £151.37
Eon-next-Floodlighting           £    80.54              Defib World-Stand     £198.00
Defib Warehouse-Defib         £    1,558.80         Clerks Salary              £388.12
HMRC-PAYE                         £    7.60                    
Defib. Fund-raising Total       £   1,720.00                    
             All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
             The Committee noted the forecast end of year balance.
It was noted that an increment to the Clerk’s Salary had been advised by NALC with effect from 01/04/2021. It was
RESOLVED  to implement the Clerk’s new salary scale backdated to 01/04/2021.
             No further quotations being received from grass cutting contractors, it was
            RESOLVED  to accept the quote from Green Grass Contracting, for 7 cuts as per the previous years’ contract at a cost of £132.17 per cut.
6.         Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman reported that no Meetings had been held due to covid infections amongst Committee. The Chairman advised that some assistance would be required for the re-stringing of the flagpole.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – Cllr Lewis reported that the Community Speed Watch had recommenced its activities and would be working with Willingham to carry out a week long speed watch. The Village Café had been approached and had advised that it would be willing to provide a free hot drink to those participating in the Community Speed Watch. It was noted that Cllr Lewis had agreed to take the lead for this group, he presently had the equipment on his premises, although he was advised by the Chairman that it could be stored in the Village Hall, if he wished. Members noted the success of speed watch campaigns, which had resulted in letters, and Police visits being made to speeding motorists.
7.         Business
             Co-option of Councillor
The Committee
RESOLVED  to remove this item from the Agenda.
ELDC – Planning Applications & Decisions
The Parish Council noted the Planning Decision N/108/02276/21 The Old Workshop. The Parish Council had sent in a complaint regarding Tye’s Close and was awaiting a response. It was also noted that the dog bin had been moved to the opposite side of the road and been attached to the footpath sign without consultation or permission.
The Committee considered the following Applications: N/108/00138/22 Little Galley Hill, N/108/00147/22 Agricultural access, Magna Mile, N/102/00265/22 Birchwood and it was
RESOLVED  to support Planning Applications: N/108/00138/22 Little Galley Hill, N/108/00147/22 Agricultural access, Magna Mile, and N/102/00265/22 Birchwood, with a proviso that it is not used as a business in respect of this particular application. 
The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Parish Council to those involved in raising the funds for the purchase of the defibulator. This included businesses, Parishioners and particularly those who organised the collection. The defibulator had been ordered, and its delivery was expected very soon. Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that she had sought advice on the best unit and stand/box to purchase. Mr Waters would make the concrete base and local Electrician, John Moore would organise power to the unit. Cllrs Brader and Mrs Wetton expressed their appreciation of the efforts of Cllr Mrs Stuart, Mrs Feit and Mrs Jacklin. The Committee
RESOLVED  i)         the purchase of a defibulator, stand/box and hard-Standing were approved;
                     ii)         agreed the use of 1 free (village hall) session for the defibulator training group from the Parish Councils’ allowance. Cllr Mrs Stuart to confirm date in due course.
             Encroached Footpaths, Street Light No 10
The Committee
RESOLVED  to remove the Encroached Footpaths item from the Agenda.
The Chairman would follow up the outstanding issue of Street Light No 10.
             Planters near Gates & Village Entrance Gate
Planters to be an Agenda item for the May Meeting.
The Committee considered the quote from Mr Donner for the installation of  Mr Donner of the gates and following discussion, it was
RESOLVED  to instruct Mr Donner to install the gates at a cost of £235.00 + VAT as per his quote.
Floodlighting Costs
It was noted that no Parishioners had attended the Public Meeting to discuss operating times and cost of the floodlighting. The Committee noted the quotes received for the work required to the floodlights, and it was
RESOLVED to accept the quote from Mr Hunter to replace the floodlights at a cost of £332.41 + VAT as per his quote.
Queens Platinum Jubilee
The Chairman reported that this matter was in hand. Cllr Brader requested 3 mugs for his family and the Chairman will provide Cllr Mrs Stuart with details of the mugs to circulate.
9.         Matters for Discussion
It was noted that more dog fouling signage was required, the Clerk advised that she had some posters in reserve for circulation.
Members had been approached regarding noisy motorbikes, on private land. Concerns should be reported by Parishioners direct to the ELDC Anti-social Behaviour Officer.
Parishioners had also expressed concerns regarding the condition of the fence along the back of the industrial estate. It is understood this area is owned by members of Hugh Bourne Estates. Clerk will write following receipt of photographic evidence of this area.
10.       Date of Next Meeting
            AGM Tuesday 17 May 2022 at 7.00 pm.
          Meeting closed 8.45 pm.
         Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman       Date ....................