Minutes July 2023
The Annual Parish Council Meeting was held on 13 July 2023 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Hunt
Cllrs Mrs Brader & Fisher
1. Apologies
Cllr Fry (ELDC).
2. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18 May 2023 were approved and signed.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes – None.
4. Correspondence
ELDC-Electoral Update, LALC News (received via email), Clerks & Councils Mag-all noted.
5. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
GreenGrass-grasscutting £158.59 ELDC-Election £ 48.50
L&DPFA-Magna Messenger £ 70.00 D Smith-Wreaths £ 35.00
R Taylor-Pension Redec £ 25.00 Clerks Salary £364.52
GreenGrass-grasscutting £158.59
HMRC-PAYE payment required on this occasion.
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
Income was received from:
VAT Refund £440.05 Café-Defib Donation £ 66.69
Mr Francis-Defib Donation £ 35.00
The Chairman advised that the 101 Squadron membership fee was due for renewal at a cost of £25-35 and it was
RESOLVED that membership should be renewed at a cost of
6. Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman would be attending the meeting next week and reported that a Bingo Night 10/08/23, MacMillan Coffee Morning 26/08/23, Lincs Night 29/09/23 and Clairvoyant Night Oct/Nov are planned, as is the Christmas Arts & Craft Fair on 02/12/23. There is an Open Churches Weekend 2 & 3/09/23.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – The Vice-Chairman reported that she is now updating the system, following the resignation of Mr Stuart. Cllr Fisher had noted the speed of some of the larger traffic going through the village, whilst he was working near the roadside recently. The Speed Watch Group had carried out a 6.30 am survey and noted service vehicles tended to also speed through the village. Clerk to email LCC Highways regarding obscured 30mph signage on LHS near café heading in the Market Rasen direction.
Defibulator – The Vice-Chairman presented a donation of £66.69 from the Café. This was very much appreciated and the Vice-Chairman to relay the thanks of the Parish Council. Both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman had been checking the status of the defibulator and all was in order. Mrs Stuart had requested that her details be removed from the defibulator, as she no longer wished to be a guardian. Cllr Mrs Brader volunteered to become a guardian.
7. Business
ELDC – Planning Applications
The Vice-Chairman (Mrs Hunt) declared a pecuniary interest, due to living next to the site. The Committee noted the Full Planning Decision N/108/00433/23 to site a total of 9 park homes & 1 site office (add. 4 homes to the 5 originally approved) at former The Bungalow (Tye), Magna Mile, despite the Parish Councils strong objection to the application. The Committee had a brief discussion on the types of residential properties available in the village and it was noted that due to the screening having been removed, one unit will look directly into the garden of an existing property. The Clerk to write to the District Council to stress extreme disappointment that once again our objections have been ignored. To further advise that the restriction relating to shed/garages has already been contravened and what the Parish Council have to do to have any recommendations listened to or supported.
Co-option & “Friends of Ludford Parish Council
The Committee had contacted ELDC and their local Councillor for advice on this issue. Members had given this offer much consideration, and in due course had expressed their wish to continue as a Council of 4 until such time as the new Members felt better informed and comfortable in their roles and responsibilities as Parish Councillors. The Clerk had emailed Mrs Stuart to advise her of their decision and to express their appreciation for her kind offer. Mrs Stuart acknowledged this decision and did not wish to assist as a “Friend of the Parish Council” if she could not be co-opted as a Councillor. It was
RESOLVED i) not to co-opt and to continue as a Council of 4 Members and to review the matter in 6 months;
ii) to support a “Friends of the Parish Council” to facilitate those Parishioners who had time available to assist on projects, but did not wish to take on the full responsibilities of being a Parish Councillor.
New Armoured Lead for Christmas Tree
The Committee agreed that they wished to continue the tradition of having a Christmas tree. Cllr Fisher volunteered to investigate the cost of a new armoured lead and report back at the next meeting. Cllr Fisher also offered to assist Mr Brader putting up the tree in the first week of December.
Overgrown Footpaths/Hedges & Tarmac’d over Hydrants & Telephone Accesses
The Clerk was advised that no further action had been taken by LCC on the issues reported to them. The Clerk to contact LCC and Cllr Fry get some action on these outstanding items. The Vice-Chairman had been advised that Savill’s were the agents dealing with the land/hedge between The Retired Wesleyan and The Fushias that used to be rented by Manby-Milligan. A Parishioner had also enquired as to the ownership of the land behind the Barn, behind The Red House (towards the permissive road), which used to be owned by Hugh Bourn. The overgrowth is so excessive that it is forcing their fence down and urgently requires cutting back-Clerk to write on these matters.
Planters, Disposal of Tyres, Village Entrance Gates
Mr Brader will cut the tyres to make the planting areas bigger and get tyre blacking to keep them black. It was agreed to re-allocate the money (£50) for new planters (no defunct) to the purchase of tyre blacking and plants for the tyres. The Clerk will email Mr Guthrie for an update on the entrance gates.
Review of Data Protection & Publication Guide
The Clerk had emailed these documents to Members for their perusal and following discussion, it was
RESOLVED to adopt the updated Data Protection and Publication Guide documents.
8. Matters for Discussion
Members noted that there was a DHL Trailer at the top of the village that was an eyesore and would benefit from being a more sedate colour. (Burleys Old Place).
9. Date of Next Meetings
Thursday 14 September & 16 November 2023 at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed 9.05 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................