Minutes July 2022

The was held on Tuesday 12h July 2022 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
                      Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
                      Cllrs: Brader, Lewis & Mrs Stuart.
1.         Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Hunt, Cllr Fry (ELDC) and Mr Scoffin (Protected Landscapes Officer).
2.         Presentation – Farming in Protected Landscapes
             Deferred to September, due to Mr S Scoffin contracting covid.
3.         Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 17th May 2022 were approved and signed.
4.         Matters Arising
The Clerk reported that she had contacted OpenReach regarding the inconsiderate parking by their operatives when carrying out repairs in the village Item 8 Speeding/Traffic Calming) and had been advised that without photographic evidence it was difficult speak to the operatives concerned. It was agreed to obtain this evidence when this next occurred in the village.
5.         Correspondence
Clerks & Councils-Mag, ELDC – Electoral Role Update, LCC- Temporary Road Closure, NALC Newsletter & - all noted.
Members expressed their concern regarding the overgrown hedge to the field owned by Mr Milligan-Manby and the dangerous wall at The Old Rectory. The Clerk is to write to the individuals concerned requesting action.
6.         Finance
             The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the
             Council’s approval.
             GreenGrass-grasscut               £132.17           GreenGrass-grasscut   £132.17
             CNC & Sticker-Jub Glasses    £290.99           L&DPFA-Hall Hire    £120.00
             Clerks Salary                           £363.32           Amazon-Cartidge       £  30.94
D Smith-Wreaths                    £  35.00           L&DPFA-Newsletter £  70.00
The VAT Refund had been paid into the bank. All accounts were received and agreed for payment and it was
             RESOLVED  that Cllr Lewis be added to the signatories on the Council bank account.
7.         Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman reported the Village Hall Committee had agreed dates for future events, including a village heritage day. Grants received were to be used to set up a new village hall website, 4G broadband, etc. Cllr Lewis volunteered to help the Village Hall Committee to set up a website.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – Cllr Lewis reported that the SpeedWatch Group was operating well and reporting to Police. 600 cars were reported in June, there were 15 volunteers, but generally 5-6 undertook regular duties. Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that Lincs Police were going to replace signage, due to it being of poor quality.
8.         Business
             Planning Applications
The Committee noted the refusal of Application N/108/02276/21 The Old Workshop, Magna Mile and the full Planning Permission of Application N/108/00876/22 Rosewood, Magna Mile. The Parish Council noted that advertising for this development stated that it was for persons over 45 in age, not over 50 as per the Planning Permission, and also that it was a development of 9 not 5 buildings  (N/108/00050/22/N) Tye’s Close Development. The Clerk was instructed to write to ELDC to state how thoroughly disgusted the Council are that this developer appears to be permitted to flaunt the regulations imposed and to insist that the dog waste bin in returned to its original site.
             Broken Fencing – Old Barn Court
The Clerk had located the company who had taken over the responsibility for the communal areas at Old Barn Court. However, they believed that the fence and roads had been adopted and were the responsibility of LCC.
Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that the defibulator had been issued twice, but not used. The Police brought the unit back but did not return it to its home. She had spoken to Connect to query why the unit is not returned automatically to the location it has been taken from and EMAS advised that this was only done as a courtesy. She had also spoken with the café and advised they would be willing to have a donation box for the defibulator to assist with raising funds and Cllr Mrs Stuart kindly volunteered to purchase a donation box. Cllr Mrs Stuart advised that she did not wish to be individually responsible for the defibulator maintenance, but would stay as a “Guardian”. She had sent an invitation for the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to act as “Guardians “ by email. The Chairman advised that she had not responded because the matter was Council business and should be discussed at the Council Meeting. She had other commitments and did not wish to add the defibulator to them, as did the Vice-Chairman. Cllr Brader gave his £20 donation towards the defibulator.
Cllr Mrs Stuart advised that she intended to resign as a Councillor, due to frustration with the Parish Council. The Chairman genuinely appreciated the hard work Cllr Mrs Stuart had put into this project, and others she was involved in, and appreciated that the restraints of Parish Council legislation could be difficult. It was agreed that notices should be displayed asking for “Defibulator Guardians” to spread the responsibility and it was  
             RESOLVED  i)         that the Committee accept, with much regret, the resignation of Mrs Stuart as a Councillor;
       ii)         that Cllr Mrs Stuart purchase a defibulator donation box to be placed in the café and the Parish Council would reimburse her for the cost of this item.
            Street Light No 10
The Chairman advised that she had not received a response from the email address provided by Cllr Fry (LCC) and the final date for this work had passed 6 weeks previously. The County Council had also carried out footpath work in their area that was of very poor quality.
             Planters & Village Entrance Gate
The Committee agreed to install the gate that is ready and then decided whether a smaller one is required at the other end of the village. It was also agreed to ask GreenGrass to advise on the additional cost of cutting up to the white gates.
             Queens Platinum Jubilee
The Chairman reported that this event/item had gone well, the beacon was lit and picnic held, although the weather had been somewhat inclement. The Village Hall had looked beautiful, and the cake provided by Mrs Stuart had been stunning.
9.         Matters for Discussion
The Clerk reported that due to ill-health Councillor Mrs Wetton had resigned, which in the above circumstance the Parish Council had no option than to accept the resignation without delay. They had expressed their thanks to Mrs Wetton for her commitment to the Council and the SpeedWatch group, of which she had been a very active member, in both their email and letter. It had not been possible to make this an Agenda item because the email had only been received just prior to the meeting and the Agenda had already been published.
10.       Date of Next Meeting
            Tuesday 20 September 2022 at 7.30 pm.
           Meeting closed  9.20 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman       Date ....................