Minutes July 2020


The Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 14 July 2020 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT:    Chairman - Cllr Mrs Ridger
                      Vice-Chairman - Cllr Guthrie
        Cllrs Brader, Holland & Mrs Wetton.
                     Also Present:   Cllr Fry (ELDC).
1.         Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Donner.
2.         Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 May 2020 were approved and signed.
3.         Matters Arising – None.
4.         Correspondence
New Model Code of Conduct – circulated and noted.
5.         Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval. It was noted that no increment to the Clerk’s Salary had been advised by NALC to date.
            LALC-Subscription    £151.55           Pension Re-dec           £  10.00
           Green Grass-Cutting   £122.18           Npower-Lights            £  45.28
           Clerks Salary               £283.40           Post Office-Stamps     £  33.84
           Green Grass-Cutting   £244.37          
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
The Clerk advised that the audit and VAT refund had been submitted for processing.
6.         Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman advised that the Committee would be holding a meeting to have a risk-assessment and discuss how to re-open the village hall and the play equipment. A £10,000 grant had been received to enable work on the fabric of the building to be carried out and for the upkeep of play equipment.
Speeding/Traffic Calming/Reactive Speed Signage – Cllr Brader advised that speeding continued to be a problem, but a police presence had been noted on a few occasions and this was much appreciated. Cllr Brader to organise a sign, like the one in Binbrook. It was noted that only 4 people had volunteered to assist with the speed gun project and it was agreed to put an item in the Messenger to see if further interest could be raised. Without the appropriate number of volunteers, the project could not operate successfully.
7.         Business
Co-option of Councillor
The Parish Council continued to advertise for a Councillor to be co-opted on to the Committee and any interested person should write to the Clerk.
ELDC – Planning Applications & Decisions – The Committee noted the planning decisions made by ELDC including Full Approval N108/00567/20 Thorpe Top, Full Approval Binbrook Lane; N/108/00632/20 Brelan, Magna Mile; Approval of Section 73 Application N/108/00518/20 The Bungalow Tye and Full Approval N/108/02023/19 The Bungalow Magna Mile).
The Committee consider Street Naming SN/20/0064 The Bungalow, Magna Mile and the suggestion of Magna Court, but felt it would cause further confusion on Magna Mile, it was agreed that Butchers Yard or Tye’s Close would be a much more suitable alternative, Clerk to advise ELDC>
Cllr Holland had spoken with Mrs Cordwell on this matter, who advised that the matter had not progressed. The public house held £300 in safe-keeping. It was agreed that it the public house should be approached to confirm that they were still happy to have a defibrillator on the premises, as it would require power and if that was the case the Parish Council would take the project on and try to complete it. Clerk to write to Public House and make enquiries on cost, etc. Cllr Fry confirmed that he could allocate £300 under the ELDC Community Grant scheme and that Cllr Marfleet could allocate £500 under the LCC scheme.
Encroached Footpaths
The footpath outside of The Rectory continued to be overgrown by a Russian vine and forced pedestrians onto the road, which with the increased speed and density of traffic was now a serious concern. Clerk to write to owners of property.
Refurbishment of village sign and purchase of village entrance gate
Cllr Brader had repaired and re-erected the village sign and he would provide a bill in due course. It was agreed to defer the item on gates to the next meeting, due to most businesses only just re-opening after covid-19.
Maintenance of village flower tyres
Mr Bowden had got flowers, but had just not had time to plant them, but this would be resolved in due course.
8.         Matters for Discussion
It was noted that it had not been possible to obtain a wreath on the memorial for 101 due to covid-19. It was agreed to place a wreath in September instead.
Date of Next Meeting
            Tuesday 8 September 2020 at 7.30 pm.        
           Meeting closed 8.36 pm.
           Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman        Date ....................