Draft - Minutes January 2023
The Parish Council Meeting was held on Thursday 12 January 2023, at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
Cllrs: Fisher & Mrs Hunt.
Also Present: Messrs Borthwick (Snr & Jnr).
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllrs Fry (ELDC), Brader and Stuart.
2. Co-option
The Clerk had received an email and brief resume from Mr Fisher wishing to be co-opted onto the Parish Council. Members considered the application and it was
RESOLVED to co-opt Mr Fisher onto Ludford Parish Council as a Councillor.
3. Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 17th November 2022 were approved and signed.
4. Matters Arising-None.
5. Correspondence
Clerks & Councils-Mag, 101 Magazine, Lincs Facilities Guide, LALC & Clothes Collection Box-noted.
The 101 Memorial Parade has been confirmed for 11 June 2023 and the Chairman volunteered to put in the road closure application.
6. Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the Council’s approval.
Brit Gas-Lighting-Sep £43.47 GreenGrass-grasscut £132.17
B&Q,etc-Xmas & Lead £98.00 Clerks Salary £363.32
Ludford WI-Plat Tree Donation £32.00
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
7. Reports
Village Hall Committee
Chairman reported that the groups meeting had been postponed until February. Christmas Fairy had been well received.
Speeding/Traffic Calming-Nothing to report.
Cllr Mrs Hunt reported that she was checking on the unit and all was well and the Café had collected more donations for the defibulator, but would be collecting for a different charity for the next year.
8. Business
Planning Applications
The Committee noted that an amendment was in the process of being submitted in respect of Planning Application N/108/02135/22, Outline erection of 2 no. dwellings – Land at, Magna Mile, as advised by the applicants during the Open Forum. The applicants had listened to the concerns of the Parish Council changing the dwellings from houses to bungalows and making alterations to the access. The Parish Council had not yet received the amendment, and thanked the applicants for attending the Meeting.
Budget, Precept/Projects for 2023/24
The Committee considered the amended draft budget compiled by the Clerk and it was
RESOLVED to increase the precept by £200 to £4750 and to have a plaque for the new bench in commemoration of the Coronation.
Planters, Disposal of Tyres & Village Entrance Gate
The Chairman advised that planters could be purchased at Rand, cost to be reported at next meeting. It was agreed that planters should be placed where tyres are currently situated. Tyres to be removed. Cllr Mrs Hunt volunteered to plant the East end planter.
White Bollards-Stocks Hill
The Clerk had reported the broken bollards and a job number has been issued.
9. Matters for Discussion
It was noted that the footpaths at both ends of the village were very overgrown and muddy. From Dog Waste Bin, east end to Brants Corner (Ivy Cottage, then going out from Garden Centre, west end to Mr Burleys, Market Rasen direction)- Clerk to write to LCC.
10. Dates of Next Meetings
Thursday 2 March 2023 at 7.30pm & 11 May 2023 at 7.00pm.
Meeting closed 9.05 pm.
Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date ....................