Minutes January 2022

The Parish Council Meeting was held on 11th January 2022 at the Village Hall, Ludford at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT:    Chairman Cllr Mrs Ridger
                      Vice-Chairman Cllr Guthrie
        Cllrs: Brader (arrived 8pm), Lewis, Mrs Stuart & Wetton
        Also Present: Cllr Fry (ELDC).
1.         Apologies – None.
2.         Minutes of Meeting
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th November 2021 were approved and signed.
3.         Matters Arising – None.
4.         Correspondence
Clerks & Councils-Mag, Lincs Wolds-Facilities Guide, CLIP- Learning Courses - all noted. LIVES & CAB-Donation Request, which following discussion, it was
RESOLVED  not to make a financial donation to either LIVES or CAB.
5.         Finance
The Clerk distributed a statement of Income and Expenditure which met the
Council’s approval.
Clerks Salary               £358.28           British Legion-Wreaths          £35.50
Christmas Tree            £  40.00           Amazon-Flagpole Rope          £13.61
             All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
6.         Reports
Village Hall Committee – The Chairman reported that it has been requested to light the Queens Platinum Jubilee Beacon at 9.45 pm, rather than earlier. The hall could then be open, with the bar and food being available. It was also suggested that on the Sunday a get-together could be held in the form of a picnic/afternoon tea, with games. It was agreed that on both occasions a collection could be held to raise further funds for a village defibulator. See Defibulator item under 8. Matters for Discussion, request for an Agenda item arrived after the publication of said Agenda.
To further mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee, it is hoped to plant trees at the top of the field in a circle, probably silver birch. It is hoped that the Parish Council will pay for 2 trees at a total cost of £60, although the Chairman is attempting to obtain them at no cost, if possible.
Speeding/Traffic Calming – Cllr Mrs Stuart reported that the Community Speed Watch had been suspended for the Winter, but there would be matters to report for the next Meeting.
Cllr Mrs Stuart requested permission to  be able to order some new “30 mph” signage for the village. It was
RESOLVED  that Cllr Mrs Stuart purchase 4 signs at a cost up to £40.
7.         Business
Budget, Precept Projects for 2022/23
The Committee considered the revised draft budget produced by the Clerk. And it was
RESOLVED    i)        to increase the precept by £200 to £4550.
              Co-option of Councillor
The Committee had been pleased to co-opt Cllr Lewis onto the Parish Council and had now been permission to advertise to fill the vacancy left by Mr Holland. The vacancy had been advertised; however, no applications had been received by the Clerk.
ELDC – Planning Applications & Decisions
The Parish Council had received a response to the Clerk’s letter explaining the reservations and difficulties Members experienced when trying to consider application via the electronic planning process. There were no Planning Applications to consider.
Encroached Footpaths, Street Light No 10
No further matters to report on footpath encroachment, although it was noted that the “Playing Field/Village Hall” sign is not visible due to overgrowth of vegetation at the unoccupied property owned by a Parishioner.
The Chairman had circulated the email she had received from the County Council in relation to street light no. 10. The Committee all stated their disappointment that trying to resolve this matter had already taken 2 years.
             Planters near Gates & Village Entrance Gate
It was noted that the Councillors had met with Mr Vic Sleaford (LCC) back in May 2021 to agree the positioning of the gates, which it was agreed would be slightly different to the Parish Council’s original wishes. The matter seemed to have stalled and the gates are with Mr Donner awaiting further progress. Following discussion, it was
RESOLVED  that Cllr Brader should contact a local contractor to ascertain the cost of digging the holes necessary to install the gate. Cllr Brader to report at next meeting.
Floodlighting Costs
The Committee had agreed to set a cap at £300 towards the costs of floodlighting the Church for the new financial year (2022/23). The Chairman advised the cost of the electric supply is fixed until August 2022, then arranged  a move to British Gas Life, a three year fix with a lower day rate. The Vice-Chairman had finally received a quote from a local company for the fitting of 3 x 100-watt LED floodlights. The cost would be £400+VAT £80 = Total £480. The Church Committee were still awaiting another quote before any decision could be made. It was felt that this cost could not be met by the Parish Council, although it may be willing to make a donation. The floodlights were continually on during the night and there was some discussion about whether this was necessary. This had been agreed some years earlier following a public consultation. It was
RESOLVED  to undertake a Community Consultation as to whether the floodlights should be on a timer, to assist in reducing costs, or should remain on continually, as they are presently.
Queens Platinum Jubilee
The Chairman reported that this matter was in hand.
9.         Matters for Discussion
Cllr Mrs Stuart advised that she had investigated the possibility of grant funding to assist in raising funds for the defibulator. The Parish Council currently held £330 which had been raised by the village, however, the total cost was £1500. Cllr Mrs Stuart also advised that her Husband would be willing to make a free-standing housing for the defibulator, so that it was not attached to the Church wall, although Cllr Lewis advised they were made to fit on to walls.
Cllr Fry advised that whilst he was allocated a Community Fund, that did need to be distributed amongst all the Parishes he represented, in the interests of fairness. He also suggested contacting Cllr Marfleet (LCC) prior to the next tranche of funding being allocated to County Councillors. The Clerk had previously been involved in fund-raising via the National Lottery scheme and that had been very involved and lengthy. Cllr Lewis advised that the local football team (Ludford Rovers) may be willing to make a donation, there was an issue over proximity of the unit to the football pitch. The Chairman suggested that Cllr Lewis attend the next Village Hall Committee Meeting, to put their case, because previously a representative had attended the meetings. There was also a suggestion that 101 or local businesses may wish to make a donation to the Defibulator Fund.
10.       Date of Next Meeting and Meetings for 2022
             Tuesday 15 March 2022 at 7.30 pm.
The following Meeting dates were agreed 17 May (starting at 7 pm for Annual Parish Meeting followed by Annual Parish Council Meeting), 12 July,
13 September, 15 November 2022.
             Meeting closed 9.10 pm.
            Signed ................................... Chairman/Vice-Chairman       Date ....................